[Abstract]:In the direction of international law, the comparative study of the system of contract effectiveness has been a blank. By comparing the General principles of International Commercial contracts (hereinafter referred to as "General principles"), the Convention on contracts for the International Sale of goods (hereinafter referred to as CISG), "principles of European contract Law"), The uniform Commercial Code of the United States, as well as the different provisions of the civil law system and the common law system on the effectiveness of contracts, introduces several different forms of expression of the validity of contracts. On this basis, it points out how to reconstruct the system of the effectiveness of contracts in our country. This paper focuses on the two factors that affect the effectiveness of the contract, namely, errors and major imbalances, and points out the shortcomings of our country's major misunderstandings system and manifestly unfair system, and puts forward some measures to improve them. In addition to the introduction and concluding remarks, this article is divided into four chapters. Chapter one: an overview of the effectiveness of the contract. This paper first defines the concept of contract validity, thinks that contract validity is the legal binding force of legally formed contract, and then introduces the basis and significance of contract validity. Chapter two: the manifestation of contract effect. This chapter analyzes the formation and validity of contracts, valid contracts and invalid contracts through the provisions on the validity of contracts in the above international norms. Chapter three: the factors that affect the validity of the contract. On the basis of the analysis of the two factors of error and significant imbalance, this chapter points out the measures to perfect the system of major misunderstanding and obvious inequity in our country. Chapter four: the contract validity system of our country. This chapter analyzes the four forms of effectiveness in the theory of contract law of our country: validity, invalidity, validity to be determined and revocable, and puts forward two suggestions for the perfection of the system of contract validity in our country.
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