[Abstract]:The academic circles have been arguing about the legal significance of the vacancy arbitration. However, in recent years, some important international arbitration institutions have relaxed the rules of vacancy arbitration, and some countries also allow the arbitration award to be produced to a certain extent. However, the judicial practice has refused to recognize and enforce the lack of arbitration award. This paper mainly discusses the recognition and enforcement of the arbitration award under the rules of the current arbitration institution and the relevant countries. The recognition and enforcement of international commercial arbitral awards is mainly based on the Convention on the recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (the New York Convention). In practice, most vacancy arbitral awards cannot be recognized and enforced because of Article 5 of the New York Convention. The point of view of this paper is that if the vacancy arbitration is made under specific regulations and circumstances, and conforms to the agreement between the parties, the relevant arbitration rules, then the vacancy arbitration award can be recognized and enforced. The first chapter summarizes the arbitration system, introduces the reasons and the present situation of the arbitration, and discusses the legitimacy and defects of the arbitration. The second chapter analyzes the reasons why the award can not be recognized and enforced, mainly expounds the problems in the Marshall Islands case. The third chapter is to analyze the main arbitration rules and national legislation related to the provisions of the lack of arbitration, and make a comparative study of them. The fourth chapter shows the reasons why vacancy arbitration can be recognized and enforced under the existing system.
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