[Abstract]:Within the scope of the existing international economic law, the anti-competitive behavior of state-owned enterprises is restricted under different legislative frameworks. Under the leadership of the United States, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) has for the first time set horizontal issues and completed negotiations around state-owned enterprises themselves. The rules of the new negotiations have strong pertinence for Chinese state-owned enterprises, many existing practices are restricted and adjusted, but the overall direction of SOE reform is consistent with them. For this reason, China should actively face the new development of the rules of state-owned enterprises, take the promotion of further reform of state-owned enterprises as the core, be supplemented by a pluralistic evaluation system for the operation of state-owned enterprises at the international level, and test the negotiations on the rules of state-owned enterprises at the bilateral and regional levels. Strengthen the legal research on the international rules of state-owned enterprises and explore the proper boundary that should be set up in the international level of standardizing state-owned enterprises.
【作者单位】: 上海对外经贸大学WTO研究教育学院;
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