[Abstract]:One of the basic problems facing the implementation of ocean power strategy is to give a historical positive solution to ocean consciousness. As a matter of consciousness category, ocean consciousness is multi-dimensional and inclusive, and is endowed with rich and extended meaning. Ocean consciousness plays a central and leading role in the strategy of building a powerful maritime power, and its connotation, system and path are different in different historical periods. The practice of implementing ocean strategy in China and foreign countries shows that, from the historical context and geographical difference of ocean consciousness, ocean consciousness not only has the attribute of evolution from primary stage to higher stage in the process of implementation of ocean strategy, but also has the property of evolution from primary stage to advanced stage. And its connotation and system become clear day by day. As far as the cultivation and enhancement of China's marine consciousness is concerned, China's marine consciousness has a long history and has accumulated a unique marine culture. The marine consciousness no longer belongs to an illusory concept or category. The key to construct the new connotation and new system of China's marine consciousness in the new period lies in the path of implementing the rule of law of marine consciousness.
【作者单位】: 华东政法大学;
【基金】:国家社科基金项目“无居民海岛使用权研究”(12BFX130) 东北财经大学中央财政支持地方高校发展专项资金项目“海洋航行自由与海洋资源开发的冲突与协调”(DUFE2014J28) 辽宁省社科基金规划项目“沿海经济带建设中相关法律问题研究”(L12BFX005) 辽宁省教育厅科学研究一般项目“海洋油污损害法律救济机制的重构”(W2013226)的资助
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