[Abstract]:Recently, with the economic globalization and the further development of trade liberalization, the economic ties of each country are close, and the trade barrier is one of the most important manifestations. Trade barriers refers to the measures taken by a state-owned country in international economic and trade activities to restrict the entry of goods and services from exporting countries into their own markets. As tariff and non-tariff barriers are constantly regulated, many countries, especially those with advanced science and technology, are increasingly making use of the more difficult to regulate and predict, and the more sophisticated and covert means, The behavior of non-governmental technical norms, which has become one of the important issues in the development of new trends and the study of technical barriers to trade, is to control foreign trade, that is, to manipulate cross-border economic and trade activities through technical means. Usually, the technical means are technical regulations, technical standards and other professional and complex regulatory documents. The trade standard is one of the manifestation forms of the technical standard. The industry standard is a concept in the economic and trade field, which refers to the uniform applicable technical standard of different companies and enterprises in the same industry. Generally authorized by the government or by companies in the same field, enterprises through participation in non-governmental organizations such as industry associations and authorizing them to set specific standards in this field. Non-governmental organizations, such as trade associations, are more familiar with the implementation of high-tech barriers to trade because of their incomparable advantages in the formulation and establishment of technical standards in the field of expertise. Therefore, the industry standards formulated by non-governmental organizations, such as trade associations, as a technical regulation, and one of the sources of the establishment of technical standards, have an important impact on the international economic and trade exchanges. In this paper, the study of trade barriers is limited to the role of industry standards in the formation of trade barriers, in the affirmation of the actual impact of industry standards on the formation of trade barriers, first of all, a summary of the topic of the paper. Including an overview of trade barriers and industry standards, this paper expounds the development trend of trade barriers and the characteristics of industry standards in trade barriers. The practical significance of trade standards in trade exchange and the current research situation of domestic and foreign scholars in related fields. The second part of this paper discusses the problems existing in the restriction of power in trade barriers, analyzes the sources of power, and puts forward some relevant opinions on the regulation of trade barriers. In the third part, the author discusses the negative influence of the effectiveness of the trade standards in the trade barriers, analyzes the power sources of the trade barriers and the concrete performance of the countries, and puts forward some relevant regulatory suggestions. In the fourth part, the author further discusses the loopholes in the legal supervision of the trade barriers, analyzes the basis of the regulation, and puts forward some suggestions on the regulation of the trade barriers. The last part of the article introduces the current situation of Chinese industry standards, points out the gap between them and advanced countries, and puts forward some suggestions for improvement. In order to improve the standard system of our country and defend the actual operation of other countries' targeted trade barriers, there is evidence to follow.
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