[Abstract]:The issue of the delimitation of the continental shelf has been a question of contention, and the argument is about the principle of the delimitation of the continental shelf between the two countries. At present, the principles of the delimitation of the continental shelf mainly include the principle of natural extension, the principle of proportionality, the principle of equal distance and the principle of fairness. The issue of the delimitation of the continental shelf of the East China Sea is a factor that has always puzzled the friendly development of the two countries. In view of the strategic significance of the oil and gas resources in the East China Sea to the economic development of China and Japan, the East China Sea dispute is of practical significance to maintain the peace of the region and to achieve a proper solution, and this paper intends to start with the basic legal concept and the basic system of the principle of equity. On the basis of the legal analysis of the dispute settlement of the continental shelf in the East China Sea, it is hoped that the dispute settlement of the continental shelf in the East China Sea will be beneficial, and the maritime rights and interests of the State can be effectively maintained. The purpose of this paper is to make an analysis of the principle of the delimitation, to focus on the principle of fairness, and to make a deep discussion on the whole system of the principle of equity, and to point out that the principle of fairness is the standard for the examination of the results of the application of other principles, which is the primary consideration in the submission of the continental shelf. then, other delimitation principles and methods can be adapted only on the basis of the principle of equity The principle of equity must be used in accordance with the specific circumstances, in combination with other methods of demarcation, in order to achieve a true sense of justice. On the basis of which, it is pointed out that the application of fairness in the delimitation of the continental shelf of China and Japan is reasonable The paper is divided into three parts: Part 1: The first part deals with the concept of the principle of equity, which is produced Development and connotation. The concept of a genuine principle of equity is the United States of 1945. The United States Convention on the Law of the Sea,1982, on the delimitation of the continental shelf, was adopted in the United States in 1945. The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, eighty-eighth session on the delimitation of the continental shelf in that article, although there is no provision in the provision that the delimitation of the boundary between the coasts or the inter-State is to be made in accordance with the principle of fairness, it is stressed that the delimitation is to be made To a fair settlement. The principle of equity has now evolved to the principle of a delimitation that is recognized by the international community and, when the two countries are divided by the power of the continental shelf of the two countries, the most mainstream approach is to deal with the principle of fairness in the context of the agreement The meaning of the principle of equity is the delimitation of the two parties on the basis of the agreement, taking into account all the circumstances and the pursuit of The second part is to discuss the relationship between the principle of equity and other principles in order to get a fair The principle of application of the principle. The core of the principle of equity is the result of equity, and it is important to take into account all the circumstances related to the case, in particular the respect of the seabed The natural trend of the terrain. First of all, the various factors that must be taken into account for the application of the principle of fair principle are discussed; secondly, the principle of natural extension is discussed, and the natural extension is a result of the equitable delimitation and should be considered One of the important elements of this is the fact that the principle of proportionality was discussed, noting that the principle was an examination of the fairness of the delimitation results obtained with other methods, in particular the equal-range approach, and in a serious and disproportionate situation In the end, the principle of equal distance is discussed, and it is considered that the equal-distance intermediate line is only a method of demarcation, which is a kind of fairness. The method of demarcation of the principle. My view is that the principle of fairness is the standard of examination of the delimitation of the other delimitation principles and the delimitation method, the principle of equity has the function of correction and independence, the natural extension, the proportional principle and the equal-distance delimitation method are sequential and most important in the case of application, The final result is fair. The third part applies the principle of fairness to the delimitation of the continental shelf of the East China Sea. The rationality of the continental shelf of the East China Sea is analyzed and demonstrated. First, the geographical factors of the bottom of the continental shelf of the East China Sea are analyzed. From the results of the scientific investigation, the Okinawa Trough is the dividing line of the continental shelf between China and Japan. Second, it refutes the conclusion that Japan's two countries are co-sponsors, and the intermediate line is only a method of demarcation, and it is non-mandatory. Japan has no power to let China The proportion is also one of the factors that the delimitation of China and Japan should take into account, the length of the coastline of China and Japan is very different, and China has a long coastline, according to which China should have more continental shelf areas To meet the requirements of the principle of equity. Finally, a number of analyses and ideas are made to the delimitation of the two countries, and it is best to build on the basis of the negotiation.
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