发布时间:2021-02-09 23:29
在国际贸易中,货物的移交至关重要,尤其在多个运输公司参与运输及多式联运的情况下更为明显。商业贸易在历史上已经成为人类的一项基本活动。来自不同地区的人民试图通过建立贸易网络来提高他们的经济价值。这项工作将检验国际贸易合同中的风险分担,而这一问题在联合国国际销售合同公约(维也纳1980)中得到特别的强调。 国际商业合同中的风险分担理论破坏了谁应为在运输途中货物的毁损或灭失承担最终责任的问题。由保险公司来承担这一责任是可行的,并且也是习惯的做法。此外,货物的毁损或灭失通常在运输目的地才能被发现。作为一项规则,在定损/采取适当手段向保险公司索赔以及保护剩余货物等方面,买方通常比卖方更为有利。风险分担理论破坏了付款以及不考虑应归责于第三方的损失直接由买方承担责任的问题。这些问题将贯穿全文,并构成我们研究的基础。 买卖合同中的风险转移问题具有重大的实际价值。因为它能产生十分严重的后果,这些后果自从罗马时代就困扰着无数的法学家、法官和实践者。其结果是关于这一问题的不同理论的出现。显然,解决这一问题的方法不止一种。损失的风险承担规则确定了当货物出现部分或全部毁损灭失时,卖方是否能够要求货物...
【文章来源】:武汉大学湖北省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:80 页
Chapter I Time of the Passing of Risk
1. Contract of Sale Involving Carriage of the Goods
A The basic rules in Article 67(1)
(1) The concept of "contract involving carriage of the goods"
(2) The "handing over of the goods"
(3) The solutions provided by Article 67(1)
B Disruptive circumstances
(1) Unascertained goods
(2) Retention of documents
(3) Minor deviations
2. Goods sold in Transit
3. General Residual Rules on Risk
A The residual rule on risk
B The rule in Article 69(2)
C Unascertained goods
Chapter II Consequences of the Passing of Risk
1. Risk and Liability
A Liability for loss of or damage to the goods
(1) Loss or damage after the passing of risk
(2) Loss or damage before the passing of risk
B The limit of liability: the concept of risk
(1) The concept of risk
(2) Risk and exoneration
2. Risk and Non-conformity
A Lack of conformity when risk passes
(1) Latent defects
(2) Burden of proof
B Lack of conformity after risk has passed
(1) Seller's breach of an obligation
(2) Breach of a guarantee
3. Risk and Remedies
A Fundamental breach of contract
(1) Avoidance of the contract
(2) Delivery of substitute goods
(3) Reduction in price
(4) Repair of the goods
(5) Damages
B Non-fundamental breach of contract
【文章来源】:武汉大学湖北省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:80 页
Chapter I Time of the Passing of Risk
1. Contract of Sale Involving Carriage of the Goods
A The basic rules in Article 67(1)
(1) The concept of "contract involving carriage of the goods"
(2) The "handing over of the goods"
(3) The solutions provided by Article 67(1)
B Disruptive circumstances
(1) Unascertained goods
(2) Retention of documents
(3) Minor deviations
2. Goods sold in Transit
3. General Residual Rules on Risk
A The residual rule on risk
B The rule in Article 69(2)
C Unascertained goods
Chapter II Consequences of the Passing of Risk
1. Risk and Liability
A Liability for loss of or damage to the goods
(1) Loss or damage after the passing of risk
(2) Loss or damage before the passing of risk
B The limit of liability: the concept of risk
(1) The concept of risk
(2) Risk and exoneration
2. Risk and Non-conformity
A Lack of conformity when risk passes
(1) Latent defects
(2) Burden of proof
B Lack of conformity after risk has passed
(1) Seller's breach of an obligation
(2) Breach of a guarantee
3. Risk and Remedies
A Fundamental breach of contract
(1) Avoidance of the contract
(2) Delivery of substitute goods
(3) Reduction in price
(4) Repair of the goods
(5) Damages
B Non-fundamental breach of contract