发布时间:2021-08-28 04:53
语言不仅仅只限于词汇、语法与语音结构系统,它更是一种社会现象和一种在社会语境中个体之间有意义的相互作用。任何语言都不是划一的统一体,都依赖着语言使用的地点、时间、环境、目的、对象等语言环境的变化而变化。外贸语言是在国际贸易这一特定的语言环境中形成而发展的英语语言变体。外贸英语的语域广泛并具有其独特的语言特色。 本论文试图从情景及语言两个方面对外贸合同及外贸信件进行对比分析,在分析具体选文的同时,旨在发现情景预测与语言体现之间的相互关系。 整个论文分为六个部分。第一部分对商业情景----交际与贸易进行了简介。第二部分介绍了进一步的分析所需要的理论支持,尤其是对语域以及语域的预测功能进行了进一步阐述。第三、第四部分对所选取的具体实例----外贸合同及外贸信件从情景、词汇、句法和语篇四个方面进行了分析。第五部分对这两类外贸语言变体进行了比较,并预示了情景及语言分析在外贸语言教学、学习、与交流中的实际应用和一些局限性。最后一部分是附录,收集了56篇具体而真实的外贸文章----合同6篇(从30篇中随机抽取),信件50篇。 由于时间、精力和材料的限制,其他的外贸语言变体在本论文中...
【文章来源】:西北工业大学陕西省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章页数】:112 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Business
1.2 Business Communication
1.3 Business English and Foreign Trade English
1.4 Linguistic and Situational Approach on the Foreign Trade English
Chapter 2 The Theoretical Framework
2.1 Different Schools Concerning the Understanding of”Language”
2.1.1 The TG Grammar School
2.1.2 The Systemic-Functional School
2.1.3 The Communicative Competence School
2.1.4 Comprehensive Analysis on Different Language Schools
2.2 The Theoretical Preliminary
2.2.1 The Interrelationship among Language, Text and the Context of Situation
2.2.2 Aspects of the Speech Event
2.2.3 Elements of the Context of Situation
2.2.4 Two Kinds of Varieties
2.2.5 The Notion of Register
2.2.6 The Functions of Register
2.2.7 The Structure and Predictability of Register
2.2.8 ESP
2.2.9 Stylistic Features of Written Business English
Chapter 3 Situational and Linguistic Analysis on the Foreign Trade Contract
3.1 The Language of the Foreign Trade Contract
3.2 The Situational Analysis on the Foreign Trade Contract
3.3 Linguistic Realization of the Foreign Trade Contract
3.3.1 The Lexical Level
3.3.2 The Syntactic Level
3.4 The Textual Structure of the Foreign Trade Contract
3.5 The Situational and the Linguistic Realization of the Foreign Trade Contract
Chapter 4 Situational and Linguistic Analysis on the Foreign Trade Letters
4.1 The Language of the Foreign Trade Letters
4.2 The Situational Analysis on the Foreign Trade Letters
4.3 The Linguistic Realization of the Foreign Trade Letters
4.3.1 The Lexical Level
4.3.2 The Syntactic Level
4.3.3 The Grammatical Level
4.3.4 The Textual Structure of the Foreign Trade Letters
4.4 The Situational Prediction and the Linguistic Realization of the Foreign Trade Letters
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Comparison Between the Foreign Trade Letters and the Foreign Trade Contracts
5.3 Limitations and Applications
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
[1]外贸合同的翻译技巧研究——以深圳奥特力科技有限公司外贸销售合同的翻译为例[J]. 睢家乐. 海外英语. 2020(03)
【文章来源】:西北工业大学陕西省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章页数】:112 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Business
1.2 Business Communication
1.3 Business English and Foreign Trade English
1.4 Linguistic and Situational Approach on the Foreign Trade English
Chapter 2 The Theoretical Framework
2.1 Different Schools Concerning the Understanding of”Language”
2.1.1 The TG Grammar School
2.1.2 The Systemic-Functional School
2.1.3 The Communicative Competence School
2.1.4 Comprehensive Analysis on Different Language Schools
2.2 The Theoretical Preliminary
2.2.1 The Interrelationship among Language, Text and the Context of Situation
2.2.2 Aspects of the Speech Event
2.2.3 Elements of the Context of Situation
2.2.4 Two Kinds of Varieties
2.2.5 The Notion of Register
2.2.6 The Functions of Register
2.2.7 The Structure and Predictability of Register
2.2.8 ESP
2.2.9 Stylistic Features of Written Business English
Chapter 3 Situational and Linguistic Analysis on the Foreign Trade Contract
3.1 The Language of the Foreign Trade Contract
3.2 The Situational Analysis on the Foreign Trade Contract
3.3 Linguistic Realization of the Foreign Trade Contract
3.3.1 The Lexical Level
3.3.2 The Syntactic Level
3.4 The Textual Structure of the Foreign Trade Contract
3.5 The Situational and the Linguistic Realization of the Foreign Trade Contract
Chapter 4 Situational and Linguistic Analysis on the Foreign Trade Letters
4.1 The Language of the Foreign Trade Letters
4.2 The Situational Analysis on the Foreign Trade Letters
4.3 The Linguistic Realization of the Foreign Trade Letters
4.3.1 The Lexical Level
4.3.2 The Syntactic Level
4.3.3 The Grammatical Level
4.3.4 The Textual Structure of the Foreign Trade Letters
4.4 The Situational Prediction and the Linguistic Realization of the Foreign Trade Letters
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Comparison Between the Foreign Trade Letters and the Foreign Trade Contracts
5.3 Limitations and Applications
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
[1]外贸合同的翻译技巧研究——以深圳奥特力科技有限公司外贸销售合同的翻译为例[J]. 睢家乐. 海外英语. 2020(03)