本文关键词: 西部民族地区 野生药材资源 法律保护 出处:《中央民族大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:野生药材资源是指在一定区域或范围内分布的非人工种植、圈养或养殖的各种药用植物、动物和矿物及其蕴藏量的总和。本文中,药材是广义的概念,包括传统中药、民间药(草药)和民族药。 我国药材资源应用有着悠久的历史,历史上诞生了《神农本草经》、《本草纲目》等医学名著。不仅中药资源源远流长,少数民族在长期的生产生活实践中,也发展出独具特色的少数民族医药,包括藏医药、蒙医药、维吾尔医药、傣医药、壮医药等。 西部民族地区由于独特而多样的自然条件,具有丰富的药材资源,其中许多著名的地道中药材在全国占有重要而特殊的地位。近年来,由于人口增长、药材需求量大,乱砍滥伐、盗猎现象严重,资源生境破坏,群众保护药材资源意识薄弱等原因,西部民族地区的药材资源呈现出减少和枯竭的态势,保护民族地区的传统医药资源迫在眉睫。保护西部民族地区野生药材资源有利于保持民族地区生物多样性、保护生物资源及其生态环境;有利于传承少数民族文化传统、维持自身民族特色;有利于发展中药和民族医药产业、提高民族地区人民群众健康水平;有利于再造新的经济增长点、实现经济可持续发展。 本文以生物多样性和可持续发展理论为基础,在分析西部民族地区野生药材资源及法律保护状况的基础上,借鉴国际条约和其他国家的有益经验,在立法、执法、守法及公众参与等方面提出具体建议。本文共分七部分:第一部分是导论,介绍本文的选题意义、理论基础,对已有的相关研究成果进行梳理,并明确本文的研究方法和创新之处;第一章在界定野生药材资源概念的基础上,分析其特点、分类、历史沿革及重要性。结合全国中药资源普查情况,对西部民族地区的中药资源和少数民族传统医药资源进行全面梳理;第二章从立法、执法、守法和公众参与等角度介绍西部民族地区野生药材资源保护的现状,并指出其中存在的问题;第三章是实证研究,通过对云南省文山自治州的调研,分析该地在野生药材资源保护方面的成功经验以及需要改进的地方;第四章对涉及野生药材资源保护的国际条约及有关国家的做法进行介绍,提出对西部地区的借鉴意义;第五章就西部民族地区野生药材资源保护,从立法、执法、守法和公众参与等方面有针对性的提出具体建议;第六章是结语。 本文的研究方法包括:文献研究,全面梳理西部民族地区野生药材资源、资源保护及研究现状,指出存在的问题;比较研究,在梳理国内和西部民族地区药材资源状况的基础上,比较研究国际有关条约、国外有关立法和体制在保护药材资源方面的差异,为西部地区完善立法提供借鉴;专题调研,选取一个省区内某个典型地区进行保护药材资源方面的调研,分析其有益经验及需要改进之处。 本文力图实现的创新之处:一是选题的创新,论文首次从法学角度出发研究西部民族地区野生药材资源保护问题。二是研究范围的创新,首次全面关注西部12省区市的野生药材资源及保护状况。本文结合第三次中药资源普查情况,全面介绍了西部12个省、自治区、直辖市的野生药材资源种类、分布及保护状况。在中药资源外,本文还关注了西部民族地区的少数民族传统医药资源,对其历史沿革、药材资源以及与中药的关系进行了介绍和分析。二是研究内容的创新,论文以生物多样性、可持续发展等理论为基础,在关注国家层面法律法规的基础上,对西部民族地区野生药材资源保护的立法、执法、守法等状况进行全面梳理,并在借鉴国外经验的基础上,针对存在的问题提出完善建议。在立法中,提出要确立保护生物多样性和可持续发展为指导思想,对全部野生药材资源和各个管理环节进行规范;要发挥民族自治地方的自治立法权,体现地域特点和民族特色;要挖掘整合少数民族环境习惯法,发挥非正式制度的支撑作用。在执法层面,建议实行保护管理部门垂直管理,引入环境非强制行政行为。在守法层面,建议发展环境非政府组织、探索环境公益诉讼,进一步推进公众参与。
[Abstract]:Wild medicinal resources refer to all kinds of medicinal plants, animals, minerals and their total reserves distributed in a certain area or range. In this paper, the concept of medicinal herbs is generalized, including traditional Chinese medicine, folk medicine (herbal medicine) and ethnic medicine.
The application of Chinese medicine resources has a long history, the history of the birth of "Shennong bencaojing > >, < Compendium of Materia Medica medical masterpiece. Not only the resources of traditional Chinese medicine has a long history of ethnic minorities in the long-term production and life practice, has developed a unique ethnic medicine, including Tibetan Medicine, Mongolian medicine, Uyghur medicine, Dai strong medicine, medicine and so on.
Western ethnic regions due to the unique and diverse natural conditions, has rich resources of medicinal herbs, Chinese herbal medicine many famous tunnel plays an important and special position in the country. In recent years, due to population growth, drug demand, deforestation, poaching serious resources habitat destruction, protect the weak awareness of the masses of medicinal resources the reason, medicinal resources in western ethnic areas showed the reduction and depletion of the situation, the protection of traditional medicine resources in minority areas is imminent. Protection of wild medicinal resources in western ethnic areas is conducive to maintaining the diversity of ethnic biology, protection of biological resources and ecological environment; is conducive to the inheritance of ethnic traditional culture, to maintain its own national characteristics; is conducive to the development of traditional Chinese medicine and ethnic medicine industry, improve people's health level in minority areas; conducive to the reconstruction of a new economic growth point, to achieve the The sustainable development of the economy.
This paper is based on the biological diversity and the sustainable development theory, based on the analysis of western ethnic areas of wild medicinal resources and legal protection status, drawing on the useful experience of international treaties and other countries in the legislation, law enforcement, put forward specific proposals to obey the law and the public participation and so on. This paper is divided into seven parts: the first part is the introduction. This paper introduces the significance, theoretical basis, the existing related research results were reviewed, and specific research methods and innovations in this paper; the first chapter defines the concept of wild medicinal resources, analyzing its characteristics, classification, history and importance. The combination of the traditional Chinese medicine resources survey, a comprehensive sort of western minority area resources of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional medicine of ethnic minorities resources; the second chapter from the legislation, law enforcement, law and public participation in the wild medicine of Western Ethnic Minority Areas Present situation of wood resources protection, and points out the existing problems; the third chapter is the empirical research, through the investigation of Yunnan Autonomous Prefecture of Wenshan Province, analysis of the successful experience in the protection of wild medicinal resources and the need to improve international treaties; the fourth chapter of wild medicinal resources relates to protection and relevant countries are introduced, put forward to the western region of the significance; the fifth chapter is the protection of wild medicinal resources in western ethnic areas, from the legislation, law enforcement, and proposes specific recommendations to abide by the law and public participation and so on; the sixth chapter is the conclusion.
Research methods include: literature research, comprehensive analysis of wild medicinal resources in western ethnic areas, resource protection and research status, points out the existing problems; comparative study, based on the status of medicinal resources combing the domestic and western minority areas on the international comparative study on the relevant treaty, foreign related legislation and institutional differences in the protection of medicinal resources the western region, to provide reference for the improvement of legislation; special investigation, investigation of the protection of medicinal resources selection of a province in a typical area, analyzes the improvement of the useful experience and needs.
This paper tries to realize the innovation of the topic is: innovation, for the first time of wild medicinal resources protection in western minority areas from the perspective of law research paper. Two is the innovation of research scope, the resources of wild medicinal resources and protection of the first comprehensive attention to the 12 western provinces. This paper combined with the third survey of traditional Chinese medicine resources, a comprehensive introduction the 12 western provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, the resources of wild medicinal species, distribution and conservation status. In the traditional Chinese medicine resources, this paper is also concerned about the minority traditional medicine resources in western ethnic areas, the development of its history, and the relationship between traditional Chinese medicine and medicinal materials were introduced and analyzed. The two is the innovation of research content in the paper, biodiversity, sustainable development theory, based on the concern of national level laws and regulations on the wild medicinal resources protection legislation in western minority areas, Law enforcement, to conduct a comprehensive sort of law, and on the basis of foreign experience, the existing problems and suggestions. In the legislation, and proposes to establish the protection of biodiversity and sustainable development as the guiding ideology, to regulate all the resources of wild medicinal resources and various management aspects; to play the legislation autonomy of national autonomous areas the reflection of regional characteristics and national characteristics; to integrate Ethnic Minority Law of mining environment, play a supporting role in the informal system. In the aspect of law enforcement, the implementation of Management Department of vertical management into environmental protection suggestions, non compulsory administrative act. In the law level, suggestions on the development of environmental non-governmental organizations, to explore the environmental public interest litigation, to further promote the public participate.
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