本文选题:动物福利 切入点:动物福利法 出处:《郑州大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着世界经济的发展与社会的进步,人类关于动物保护的意识日益增强。维持生态平衡、人与动物和谐共处的理念,已经在全世界达成共识。可是令人心痛的是,近几年来残忍地虐待、伤害动物的事件在我国层出不穷,人们开始反思自己的行为,已经意识到仅仅靠我国目前的动物保护的法律法规仍然不足以给所有的动物以全面的保护。国内学者开始关注动物福利立法,提出要顺应社会发展趋势,在我国建立动物福利法。而早在100多年前,英国就有了第一部动物福利法案。目前全球已有100多个国家具有了动物福利立法。本文要解决的问题就是如何在既能借鉴国外先进动物福利立法经验又不违背我国的特殊国情的条件下,在我国设立既符合我国国情又与国际接轨的动物福利法。 本文共分为四章,第一章介绍了我国动物福利立法的现状与不足,具体分析我国动物福利立法的必要性与可行性,以及我国动物福利独立立法的合理性。第二章论述了我国动物福利立法的理论依据,主要包括动物福利的概念界定及其分类,动物福利法的起源、发展、概念、特点,以及动物福利立法的基础理论。力图明确动物福利的相关知识与概念,在我国动物福利立法的基础理论上达成共识。第三章详细论述了英国、美国、德国的动物福利立法,从其立法目的、立法原则、主要内容、实施机构与保护团体、法律责任方面具体分析,试图通过对这三个国家的动物福利立法的介绍,借鉴一些对我国动物福利立法有益的理论与实践经验。第四章是对我国动物福利立法的构想,我国目前已经出台了动物保护法草案,我个人对其总体持赞成态度,在详细分析了该草案的具体条款的基础上,也提出了几点个人的建议。
[Abstract]:With the development of the world economy and the progress of society, the consciousness of animal protection is increasing. The idea of maintaining ecological balance and harmonious coexistence between human beings and animals has reached a consensus all over the world. In recent years, cruelty and cruelty to animals have emerged in our country, and people have begun to reflect on their behavior. Has realized that the current laws and regulations on animal protection in our country alone are still not enough to give all animals comprehensive protection. Domestic scholars have begun to pay attention to animal welfare legislation and have proposed to conform to the trend of social development. Animal welfare laws were established in our country. More than 100 years ago, Britain has the first animal welfare act. At present, there are more than 100 countries in the world with animal welfare legislation. The problem to be solved in this paper is how to learn from the advanced animal welfare legislation experience of foreign countries and not run counter to me. Under the conditions of the special national conditions of the United States, Set up animal welfare law in our country which accords with our national conditions and international standards. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter introduces the current situation and deficiency of animal welfare legislation in China, and analyzes the necessity and feasibility of animal welfare legislation in China. The second chapter discusses the theoretical basis of animal welfare legislation in China, including the definition and classification of animal welfare, the origin, development, concept and characteristics of animal welfare law. And the basic theory of animal welfare legislation. It tries to clarify the related knowledge and concept of animal welfare, and reach a consensus on the basic theory of animal welfare legislation in China. Chapter three discusses the animal welfare legislation in Britain, the United States and Germany in detail. From its legislative purpose, legislative principles, main contents, implementing agencies and protection groups, legal liability aspects of specific analysis, attempts to introduce the animal welfare legislation of these three countries, Draw lessons from some useful theoretical and practical experiences in animal welfare legislation in China. Chapter 4th is a conception of animal welfare legislation in China. At present, China has issued a draft animal protection law, and I personally agree with it as a whole. On the basis of detailed analysis of the specific provisions of the draft, several personal suggestions are also put forward.
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