发布时间:2018-04-09 01:06
本文选题:知识产权 切入点:植物品种权 出处:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:知识产权是基于创造性智力成果和工商业标记依法产生的权利的统称。植物新品种是育种人依赖植物遗传资源完成的创造性智力成果,而植物品种权则是依法对植物新品种授予的排他性独占权,因此,植物品种权制度属于知识产权的范畴。加快植物新品种创新并获得植物品种权是繁荣植物新品种市场、促进植物品种权交易与实施应用、推动种业科技进步的前提条件。植物育种工作是培育或者开发植物新品种的基础,是农业创新活动中最活跃的因素,在保障我国农林业安全和促进农村经济发展中发挥了举足轻重的作用。产权的确定是最经济、最有效、最持久的激励手段,所以植物品种权制度是植物新品种创新产权安排的重要制度之一。在市场经济条件下,要保持植物新品种创新应用的持久和效率,需要建立健全相应的制度,这种制度应使植物新品种创新者、应用者从新品种创新应用中得到的私人收益率与社会收益率同步提高。本文拟在我国国情的基础上,通过研究并借鉴国内外制度经验,进一步完善我国的植物品种权制度。 本文第一部分从植物品种权的内涵出发,论述了植物品种权的相关概念、植物品种权的授权条件与终止、植物品种权的权利内容及其限制和植物品种权制度的起源与发展。 本文第二部分主要介绍了UPOV公约1991年文本对1978年文本的发展以及TRIPs协议对植物品种权保护模式的规定,美国植物新品种保护立法以及采用专利制度和植物品种权制度的双重保护模式的制度选择,日本植物新品种保护立法及其对植物品种权制度的贡献,印度植物新品种保护立法以及在植物品种权制度方面的先进理念和成熟经验。 本文第三部分详细论述了中国植物品种权法律制度的现状,利用农业部植物新品种保护办公室发布的植物品种权申请信息概括了我国植物品种权制度的实施状况,并在此基础上,分析了我国植物品种权制度所面临的形势,并进一步指出我国植物品种权制度在法律制度和行政保护中存在的缺陷。 本文第四部分在前文论述的基础上,分别从建立、完善法律制度和规范行政保护的角度,详细探讨了我国植物品种权制度应该从哪些方面、该如何完善。其中,在法律制度建立、完善方面,应立足于我国国情,借鉴UPOV公约以及国外经验,着重完善我国植物品种权的权利限制制度;在规范行政保护方面,主要探讨了对育种人的帮助及激励机制,建立植物新品种技术推广跟踪机制以及加强行政执法力度。
[Abstract]:Intellectual property is a general term based on creative intellectual achievements and industrial and commercial marks.The new plant variety is the creative intellectual achievement that the breeders rely on the plant genetic resources to complete, and the plant variety right is the exclusive exclusive right granted to the new plant variety according to law. Therefore, the system of plant variety right belongs to the category of intellectual property.Speeding up the innovation of new plant varieties and obtaining plant variety rights is a prerequisite for flourishing the market of new plant varieties, promoting the trade and application of plant variety rights, and promoting the scientific and technological progress of seed industry.Plant breeding is the basis of cultivating or developing new plant varieties and the most active factor in agricultural innovation. It plays an important role in ensuring the safety of agriculture and forestry and promoting the development of rural economy.The determination of property right is the most economical, effective and lasting incentive means, so the system of plant variety right is one of the most important systems for the innovation of property right arrangement of new plant varieties.In order to maintain the sustainability and efficiency of the innovative application of new plant varieties under market economy conditions, it is necessary to establish and improve the corresponding system, which should enable the innovators of new plant varieties,The private rate of return and the social rate of return obtained by the user from the innovative application of the new variety rise in step with the social rate of return.Based on the situation of our country, this paper intends to perfect the system of plant variety right by studying and drawing lessons from the experience of domestic and foreign institutions.The first part of this paper discusses the concept of plant variety right, the authorization condition and termination of plant variety right, the content and limitation of plant variety right, and the origin and development of plant variety right system.The second part of this paper mainly introduces the development of the 1991 text of the UPOV Convention on the 1978 text and the provisions of the TRIPs Agreement on the protection model of plant variety rights.The legislation on the protection of new plant varieties in the United States and the choice of a dual protection model using the patent system and the system of plant variety rights, and the legislation on the protection of new varieties of plants in Japan and their contribution to the system of plant variety rights,Indian new plant variety protection legislation and advanced ideas and mature experience in plant variety right system.In the third part of this paper, the current situation of the legal system of plant variety rights in China is discussed in detail, and the application information of plant variety rights issued by the New Plant Variety Protection Office of the Ministry of Agriculture is used to summarize the status of the implementation of the system of plant variety rights in China.On this basis, the situation of plant variety right system in China is analyzed, and the defects of plant variety right system in the legal system and administrative protection are pointed out.In the fourth part of this paper, on the basis of the previous discussion, from the angle of establishing and perfecting the legal system and standardizing the administrative protection, the author discusses in detail what aspects and how to perfect the system of plant variety right in our country.In the aspect of establishing and perfecting the legal system, we should base on the national conditions of our country, draw lessons from the UPOV convention and foreign experience, focus on perfecting the right restriction system of plant variety right in our country, standardize the administrative protection,This paper mainly discusses the help and incentive mechanism to the breeders, the establishment of the tracking mechanism for the technical popularization of new plant varieties, and the strengthening of administrative law enforcement.
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