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发布时间:2018-06-01 11:27

  本文选题:我国农村 + 生态环境 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 目前,我国农村生态环境形势比较严峻,概括起来,主要存在点源污染和面源污染共存,生活污染和工业污染叠加,各种新旧污染相互交织,工业及城市污染向农村转移,各种污染物在农村地区循环,造成农村生态环境要素大面积污染;对自然资源利用多,培育少,兴建的农田水利设施,不能有效应对自然灾害的威胁;村镇或布局分散,或延展过长,生产、生活和公共设施无序安排等等问题。这些问题的存在已经严重滞缓了建设“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的社会主义新农村的进程。如果不及时加强农村生态环境保护,势必会影响农村经济社会可持续发展。 农村生态环境保护是一项系统工程,需要综合采用行政、经济、技术、法律等多种手段。特别是在依法治国已经成为治国基本方略的时代背景下,法治无疑将会是农村生态环境保护的基本手段和必由之路。但是我国农村生态环境保护工作又相对薄弱,特别是法律保护措施欠缺、力度不大、效果不好。主要问题是农村生态环境保护法律体系不健全,环境保护标准不完善,投入机制不健全,环境保护队伍、技术力量不足,能力建设滞后,统一监管不到位,已经不能适应建设社会主义新农村的新形势、新任务的要求。 近年来,我国已经运用法治手段有效地处理了一些农村重大的生态环境污染和破坏事故。但是,农村生态环境依旧面临总体改善,局部恶化的趋势,没有从根本得到遏制。实践中农村生态环境法律保护也面临着诸多障碍,有些是体制和机制层面的,这注定农村的环境法治将是一个曲折的、长期的进程。因此,本文从我国农村面临的生态环境问题的现状切入,分析成因;以我国现行的法律法规规章为基础,对农村生态环境法律保护的现状进行梳理和分析,同时对比和借鉴国外农村生态环境法律保护好的做法和经验,结合我国的现实情况,提出进一步加强以《农村生态环境保护法》为基本法的农村生态环境法律保护体系建设、加强执法机构建设、强化执法力度等推行我国农村生态环境法治的建议和意见,以期实现国家用法治的手段对农村生态环境实行更有效的保护。
[Abstract]:At present, the situation of rural ecological environment in our country is quite severe. Generally speaking, there are mainly coexistence of point source pollution and non-point source pollution, superposition of life pollution and industrial pollution, intertwining of all kinds of new and old pollution, transfer of industrial and urban pollution to rural areas. The circulation of various pollutants in rural areas results in a large area pollution of the elements of the rural ecological environment; the construction of irrigation and water conservancy facilities, which have a high utilization of natural resources and less cultivation, are unable to effectively cope with the threat of natural disasters; villages, towns, or distribution are scattered, Or extended too long, production, living and public facilities disorder arrangement and so on. The existence of these problems has seriously slowed down the process of building a new socialist countryside with "production and development, rich life, civilized countryside, clean village appearance and democratic management". If the protection of rural ecological environment is not strengthened in time, it will inevitably affect the sustainable development of rural economy and society. The protection of rural ecological environment is a systematic project, which needs administrative, economic, technical, legal and other means. Especially under the background that ruling the country by law has become the basic strategy of governing the country, the rule of law will undoubtedly be the basic means and the only way to protect the rural ecological environment. However, the protection of rural ecological environment in China is relatively weak, especially the lack of legal protection measures, the strength is not enough, the effect is not good. The main problems are that the legal system for the protection of the rural ecological environment is not perfect, the standards for environmental protection are not perfect, the input mechanism is not perfect, the team of environmental protection is insufficient, the technical force is insufficient, the construction of capacity is lagging behind, and the unified supervision is not in place. Can not adapt to the new situation of building a new socialist countryside, the requirements of new tasks. In recent years, the rule of law has been used to deal with some serious environmental pollution and damage accidents in rural areas. However, the rural ecological environment is still facing the overall improvement, local deterioration trend, has not been fundamentally contained. In practice, the legal protection of the rural ecological environment also faces many obstacles, some of which are from the system and mechanism level, which doomed the rural environmental rule of law will be a tortuous, long-term process. Therefore, this paper analyzes the causes of the ecological environmental problems in the rural areas, and analyzes the current situation of the rural ecological environment protection based on the current laws and regulations of our country. At the same time, by comparing and drawing lessons from the good practices and experiences of foreign countries in the protection of rural ecological environment, combining with the reality of our country, this paper proposes to further strengthen the construction of the legal protection system of rural ecological environment, which is based on the basic Law of the Rural Ecological Environment Protection Law. To strengthen the construction of law enforcement institutions and strengthen the law enforcement efforts to promote the rule of law in rural ecological environment in China, in order to achieve more effective protection of the rural ecological environment by means of the rule of law.


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