本文选题:环境侵权责任 + 环境债权 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,我国市场经济得到迅速的发展,社会工业化程度也逐年加深,相应的,环境资源的破坏问题也日益严峻。现实生活中,一些公司为了规避环境责任,往往通过企业破产清算来逃避环境法律责任。由于我国的破产法和环境法、侵权法都没有就破产公司环境责任问题做出明确规定,理论界的研究也鲜有涉及这一领域。因此,目前迫切需要弥补破产公司环境责任的立法漏洞,杜绝借破产逃避环境责任的现象。作者通过对我国现实情况的调研,和当前立法的分析研究,结合比较国外相关制度,对破产公司环境侵权责任问题进行探讨,以期为我国相关立法提供参考建议。 本文分为引言、正文和结论三个部分。其中正文部分分为四章,具体内容如下: 第一章企业破产环境侵权责任概述。本章主要阐述了企业破产环境侵权的概念和特征。其中,第一部分讨论了环境侵权责任的概念和性质;第二部分讨论了企业破产情况下环境侵权责任的含义;第三部分分析了企业破产情况下环境侵权的特点。 第二章企业破产情况下环境侵权责任的制度分析。本章主要分析了破产中企业的环境责任和破产后企业的环境责任。其中,第一部分主要介绍了环境债权在企业破产程序中的优先受偿权以及国外法律关于破产优先权中环境责任的界定;第二部分分别从环境保护的角度和企业的角度分别分析了企业破产后承担环境侵权责任的必要性。第三部分着重介绍了企业破产情况下环境侵权责任的具体承担主体。 第三章追究企业破产情况下环境侵权责任面临的问题。本章重点介绍了现有法律框架下规范企业破产环境侵权责任所面临的问题。其中,第一部分分别从我国的法人责任制度和环境侵权诉讼时效制度两个方面介绍了立法中存在的问题;第二部分通过讨论环境侵害精神损害赔偿金的确认和环境侵权诉讼时效起算点两个方面探讨司法中的问题。 第四章企业破产情况下环境责任法律制度的完善。本章是针对于现有问题提出的解决方案,具体建议包括: 1、建立责任主体保留制度;2、完善环境侵权诉讼时效的规定;3、建立环境侵权中的精神损害赔偿制度;4、完善诉讼时效的起算标准。
[Abstract]:In recent years, China's market economy has developed rapidly, and the degree of social industrialization has deepened year by year. Accordingly, the destruction of environmental resources has become increasingly serious. In real life, in order to avoid environmental liability, some companies often avoid environmental legal liability through bankruptcy liquidation. Because of the bankruptcy law and the environmental law of our country, the tort law has not made the explicit stipulation to the bankruptcy company environmental responsibility question, the theory circle research also has not been involved in this field. Therefore, there is an urgent need to make up for the legislative loopholes of environmental responsibility of bankrupt companies, and to put an end to the phenomenon of avoiding environmental responsibility by bankruptcy. Through the investigation of the reality of our country and the analysis of the current legislation, the author discusses the environmental tort liability of the bankrupt company by comparing the relevant foreign systems. This paper is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The main body is divided into four chapters, the specific contents are as follows: chapter one: summary of tort liability of enterprise bankruptcy environment. This chapter mainly expounds the concept and characteristics of corporate bankruptcy environment tort. The first part discusses the concept and nature of environmental tort liability, the second part discusses the meaning of environmental tort liability in the case of enterprise bankruptcy. The third part analyzes the characteristics of environmental tort in the case of enterprise bankruptcy. Chapter two: the institutional analysis of environmental tort liability in the case of enterprise bankruptcy. This chapter mainly analyzes the environmental responsibility of enterprises in bankruptcy and the environmental responsibility of enterprises after bankruptcy. The first part mainly introduces the priority of environmental creditor's rights in enterprise bankruptcy and the definition of environmental liability in bankruptcy priority in foreign law. The second part analyzes the necessity of environmental tort liability after bankruptcy from the angle of environmental protection and enterprise. The third part mainly introduces the main body of environmental tort liability in the case of enterprise bankruptcy. Chapter three investigates the problems faced by environmental tort liability in the case of enterprise bankruptcy. This chapter focuses on the problems of regulating the tort liability of corporate bankruptcy environment under the existing legal framework. The first part introduces the problems in the legislation from two aspects: the legal person liability system and the statute of limitations system of environmental tort. The second part discusses the problems in the administration of justice by discussing the confirmation of the compensation for mental damage to the environment and the limitation point of the environmental tort action. Chapter four: the perfection of the legal system of environmental liability in the case of enterprise bankruptcy. This chapter is a solution to existing problems, The specific suggestions include: 1) establishing the system of retention of the subject of responsibility, perfecting the stipulation of limitation of action for environmental tort, establishing the system of compensation for mental damage in environmental tort, and perfecting the starting standard of limitation of action.
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