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发布时间:2018-06-11 22:04

  本文选题:公司环境法律责任 + 公司产生阶段 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 随着社会的发展,科技的进步,公司越来越成为社会经济生活中十分重要的市场主体。同时,伴随工业的发展,越来越来严峻的环境问题也日益成为社会关注的焦点。而公司的环境法律责任的研究正是基于这两者的有机结合提出来的。 之所以将公司和环境责任问题结合起来,是因为在现代工业社会里,公司作为以盈利为目的的经济人,其经营活动不可避免地对环境造成很多的损害,相关的数据也清楚的表明,公司对环境的恶化难辞其咎。因此,公司应该承担相应的环境责任,这是解决当前环境问题的一个十分重要的方面。此外,公司社会责任理论的不断发展,也要求公司在寻求股东利益最大化的同时,要综合考虑相关利益者的利益,综合考虑社会、环境的利益。公司的环境法律责任是其承担社会责任的一个重要的组成部分。 然而,要加强公司对环境法律责任的承担,任务艰巨。我国当前阶段,公司对环境法律责任的承担还存在比较严重的问题和缺陷。如何完善公司环境法律责任的承担体系,是实务界和理论界都迫切需要解决的问题。尤其是少数民族地区,由于历史、地理位置、经济发展等多方面的原因,公司对环境法律责任的承担存在更多的问题。而本文正是基于这样的原因和目的对公司环境法律责任进行论述。并对少数民族地区的特殊性进行了相应的论述。由于笔者的知识范围和水平局限,不可能十分完整和全面地对公司环境责任进行分析论证,因此,本文只是针对我国现阶段公司环境责任的若干问题进行研究。 除去导论和结语,本文主要分为三章。第一章是对公司环境法律责任的概述,首先在公司环境法律责任现有的理论基础上,对公司环境法律责任的相关概念进行界定,为进一步深入研究公司环境法律责任提供可能和基础。其次,对公司环境法律责任的缘起和发展进行介绍,认清公司环境法律责任的发展的历史脉络,为我国的理论研究和实践提供借鉴的经验。 第二章是对我国现阶段公司环境法律责任承担所存在缺陷的分析,分三小节分别从公司的产生阶段、运营阶段及终止后三个纵向时间段,公司环境法律责任制度存在的缺陷进行分析,可以看出现在我国公司(从其产生到终止后的纵向脉络)承担环境法律责任的不足。 第三章是对构建我国公司环境法律责任的相关建议,同样是分别从公司的产生阶段、运营阶段、终止后等三个时间段来进行论述,也是针对第二章所提出的公司在其各个阶段承担环境法律责任的相关缺陷和不足的应对措施,以期完整公司承担环境法律责任的框架体系。 总之,本文的写作初衷是通过对公司环境法律责任若干问题的论述,指出我国公司现在承担环境法律责任的缺陷,并提出具体的解决措施,从而为公司环境责任的完善和我国环境保护做出贡献。
[Abstract]:With the development of society and the progress of science and technology, the company has become a very important market subject in social and economic life. At the same time, with the development of industry, more and more serious environmental problems have become the focus of social attention. And the research on the environmental liability of the company is based on the organic combination of the two. The reason why the company and the environmental responsibility are combined is because in the modern industrial society, the company is an economic person whose purpose is to make profits. Its business activities inevitably cause a lot of damage to the environment, and the related data clearly show that the company is responsible for the deterioration of the environment. Therefore, the company should bear the corresponding environmental responsibility, which is a very important aspect to solve the current environmental problems. In addition, the continuous development of the theory of corporate social responsibility also requires the company to consider the interests of relevant stakeholders and the interests of society and environment while seeking to maximize the interests of shareholders. The environmental legal liability of a company is an important part of its social responsibility. However, it is an arduous task to strengthen the company's commitment to the legal responsibility of the environment. At the present stage of our country, there are still some serious problems and defects in the undertaking of environmental legal liability. How to perfect the system of corporate environmental legal responsibility is an urgent problem that needs to be solved by both theoretical and practical circles. Especially in minority areas, due to the history, geographical location, economic development and other reasons, the company has more problems to bear the legal responsibility of the environment. This article is based on such reasons and purposes of corporate environmental legal liability. At the same time, the particularity of minority areas is discussed. Because of the limitation of the scope and level of the author's knowledge, it is impossible to analyze and demonstrate the environmental responsibility of the company completely and comprehensively. This paper is just to study some problems of corporate environmental responsibility at present in China. Apart from the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is an overview of corporate environmental legal liability. Firstly, on the basis of the existing theory of corporate environmental legal liability, the related concepts of corporate environmental legal liability are defined. It provides the possibility and foundation for further research on corporate environmental liability. Secondly, introduce the origin and development of the company's environmental legal responsibility, and recognize the historical context of the development of the company's environmental legal responsibility. The second chapter is the analysis of the defects of the company's environmental legal responsibility in our country at this stage, which is divided into three sections respectively from the generation stage of the company. The defects of the company's environmental legal liability system are analyzed in the three vertical periods after the operation stage and the termination. It can be seen that Chinese companies (from its emergence to termination of the vertical context) to assume environmental legal liability deficiencies. Chapter three is about the construction of our country's corporate environmental legal liability related recommendations, the same from the emergence of the company stage, The operation phase, termination and other three time periods are discussed, which is also the corresponding measures to deal with the defects and deficiencies of the company's environmental legal liability in each stage proposed in the second chapter. In short, the original intention of this paper is to point out the defects of our company's environmental legal liability through the discussion of several problems of the company's environmental legal liability. And put forward the specific measures to improve the company's environmental responsibility and environmental protection in China.


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