[Abstract]:"genetic resources" refers to materials that contain genetic functional units and have actual or potential value from human bodies, animals, plants or microorganisms. With the rapid development of biotechnology, genetic resources have gradually become an important natural resource that affects the sustainable development of human and social economy. It plays an important role in solving the problems of food, health, energy and environment. Genetic resources are also of great scientific research value and are one of the key elements in the field of biological science and technology. At the same time, because it can produce huge economic value in business, it is a strategic material for economic development. In this situation, more and more countries pay great attention to the development and utilization of genetic resources. Therefore, access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing (ABS) must also be raised to the legal level. It is expected to achieve fairness in the way of obtaining genetic resources and how to share the benefits brought by the utilization of genetic resources between the users and providers of genetic resources. At present, international mechanisms for access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources have begun to take shape, including the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the World Trade Organization's Agreement on Trade-Related aspects of intellectual property Rights, International Treaty on Plant genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. In addition to these universal international conventions, some regional international organizations, such as the Andean Community, the African Union, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the European Union, also have comprehensive legal regulations on access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing. In addition, in the United States, Peru, India and other countries have formed a perfect genetic resources access and benefit-sharing domestic adjustment mechanism. China is a country rich in genetic resources. To construct a legal mechanism for obtaining and benefit-sharing of genetic resources in China is conducive to safeguarding the sovereign rights of China over its genetic resources and to consolidating the status of our country as a trading power. It will help to improve the level of biodiversity conservation in China. The relevant international treaties to which I am a party provide the international standards for the construction of the relevant systems, and the perfection of the domestic legal system provides the legal basis for the construction of the relevant systems. The continuous emergence of genetic technology engineering provides the social foundation for the construction of relevant institutions, and the state attaches great importance to provide the understanding basis for the construction of related institutions.
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