本文关键词:非婚生子女认领的法律问题研究 出处:《江西财经大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The claim system of children born out of wedlock is an important system in the law of relatives. Its emergence and development make the status of children born out of wedlock gradually improve. The legal rights and interests of children born out of wedlock are effectively protected. The law of many countries and regions in the world has stipulated the claim system of children born out of wedlock. In order to determine the parent-child relationship between children born out of wedlock and their parents, China has given children born out of wedlock the same legal status as children born out of wedlock in legislation and judicial practice. However, the legal provisions protect children born out of wedlock. Loosely generalized. At the same time, it also reflects the lack of laws and principles. How to implement the illegitimate children and legitimate children received the same degree of protection, how to protect the basic rights and interests of children born out of wedlock can be realized. Legislation has not made any provisions, the security system is in a state of powerlessness. This article from the basic theory of children born out of wedlock, through the extraterritorial law of illegitimate children claim the legal system for reference. According to the current situation of legislation and judicature of illegitimate children in our country, this paper constructs a choice of the mode of claim legislation and the principle of claim. The legal system of the claim of children born out of wedlock, including the design of the specific system of claim and the legal effect of the claim, is relatively superficial, but the author hopes to put forward the relevant legislative suggestions. To the existing legal provisions to play a reference and auxiliary role.
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