发布时间:2018-01-07 03:38
本文关键词:非婚同居期间所得财产性质与归属的法律规制初探 出处:《西南财经大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 作为一种社会现象,非婚同居可谓源远流长,最早可追溯到古罗马时期的“姘合”制度。自20世纪60年代以来,非婚同居现象在全球呈快速发展的状态。我们注意到非婚同居关系毕竟与传统的婚姻关系有着很大的区别,最显著的特点就是其相互间的人身关系的密切程度小于婚姻关系,并且实践中往往当事人争议的焦点也不在此,而是在于同居期间的财产关系。在经济资源流转极为迅速的今天,如何有效、公正地处理非婚同居财产就成为了一个迫待解决的命题。 因此,本文着重从微观的层面对于当前社会中存在最大争议的问题——同居期间的财产性质和归属着手进行探讨。并且在文中笔者将就司法实践中几类广受关注的特殊的财产纠纷进行案例分析,通过实例佐证笔者提出的解决思路,以试图为广大的被此问题困扰的当事人和法律工作者提供有限和实际的帮助。这也是本文的创新点。本文共分为五章。 第一章为非婚同居概述。主要对非婚同居的概念进行了界定,与相关概念如事实婚姻、无效、可撤销婚姻等进行了区分,得出了非婚同居的定义即无法律障碍的两性双方基于双方合意而建立的以共同生活为目的的生活模式。并就我国非婚同居的构成、类型涉及到的法律关系进行了简要说明,提出了本文的主题——非婚同居期间所得财产性质及归属研究。 第二章为非婚同居期间所得财产性质及归属的比较法研究,主要是通过对以英国为代表的英美法系国家和法国为代表的大陆法系国家就非婚同居的法律规制进行了说明,并进行了如财产制、家庭费用负担的比较,以期能给我国在制定相关法规时以借鉴。同时也发现了相关国家的法律规定的不足,如第三人侵权时非婚同居当事人的诉讼请求权在大部分国家的法律规定中未涉及(如法国)或者较为散乱(如美国)。 第三章为我国对非婚同居期间所得财产性质及归属的法律规制。主要对我国现有的有关非婚同居的法律规定进行了分析,发现我国立法上的空白,并论证了我国对非婚同居进行法律规制的必要性和可行性,同时在借鉴国外的先进立法及实践经验对其在进行法律规制时更应结合我国实际。 第四章为对我国非婚同居期间所得财产性质及归属的法律规制的构想。主要提出了建立法律规制时应遵循的原则如区分对待原则、价值中立原则、保护与补偿原则、公序良俗原则等;并就实践中非婚同居财产纠纷的解决提出了较为详细的建议,即以协议制为原则,未有协议或者不能达成协议的则采用推定共有制,以期实现既尊重当事人的自由意愿又能保护同居中的弱势一方实现实质正义的目的。对于较为关注的几类特殊财产,如博彩所得、智力投资、第三人侵权时非婚同居一方当事人的诉讼请求权等结合案例进行了分析,以佐证笔者的构想。同时对于非婚同居当事人之间的兼有人身性质和财产性质的法律关系如遗产与继承、抚养扶助义务等提出了自己的看法。 第五章为结语。 本文的主要创新点: 1、选题方面,非婚同居法律制度在中国还没有建立,而社会现实又确实需要这一法律来解决实际问题,已有的一些研究不够系统充分,本文系统论述了非婚同居法律制度的相关方面,并以目前实践中广为关注的财产性关系作为研究的重点。 2、从不同的视角分析了非婚同居存在的合理性以及对其调整的必要性,并通过相关资料证明对非婚同居期间所得财产性质与归属进行法律规制的迫切性。 3、通过对相关国家的立法实践的比较和借鉴,建议我国应该建立非婚同居法律制度,至少在目前应当及时地对于非婚同居者之间的财产性关系进行法律规制。对非婚同居财产关系法律制度的具体应包括哪些内容提出了自己的见解,这主要体现在第四部分的论述中。 需要说明的是,由于笔者理论水平有限,以及所占有的资料的匮乏,生活阅历尚浅,文中观点或表述肯定有不尽人意或者偏颇之处,请各位老师和读者指正。
[Abstract]:As a kind of social phenomenon, unmarried cohabitation has a long history, the earliest can be traced back to the ancient Rome period of "co inhabitation" system. Since 1960s, the phenomenon of unmarried cohabitation in a state of rapid development in the world. We pay attention to the cohabitation and traditional marriage, after all, there is a big difference between the characteristics of the close degree significant is the inter personal relationship is less than the marital relationship, focus and practice often disputes between the parties is not here, but in the period of cohabitation. Property relations in the economic resources circulation rapidly today, how effective, equitable treatment of unmarried cohabitation property has become an urgent proposition.
Therefore, this article from the micro level for the existence of the most controversial problems in the current social property and ownership -- discuss the cohabitation period. And the author on the judicial practice of a popular special property dispute case analysis, through the examples the author puts forward the solutions, to try to this is the problem of the parties and legal workers provide limited and practical help. This is the innovation of this paper. This paper is divided into five chapters.
The first chapter is an overview of unmarried cohabitation. The main concept of unmarried cohabitation is defined, and related concepts such as de facto marriage, void, voidable marriage makes a distinction between the sexes, unmarried cohabitation definition is no legal barriers on both sides of the agreement based on established to live together for the purpose of life and mode. China's non marital cohabitation, the legal relationship involved are introduced briefly, put forward the theme of this article studies the premarital cohabitation during the property and ownership.
The second chapter is the research on Comparative Law of the property ownership of the property and the non marital cohabitation, is mainly based on the United Kingdom as the representative of common law countries and France as the representative of the civil law countries on the legal regulation of unmarried cohabitation are described, and such as property, family burden, in order to give me country in the formulation of relevant regulations for reference. At the same time also found a lack of relevant laws and regulations of the state, such as the third infringement lawsuit right of cohabitation of the parties in the legal provisions in most countries not involved (such as France) or more scattered (such as the United States).
The third chapter is China's legal regulation of the property and ownership of the premarital cohabitation period. Mainly on China's existing legal provisions concerning the cohabitation are analyzed, found a blank in legislation, and demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of legal regulation of unmarried cohabitation, and combined with the reality of our country the more should be in the legal regulation in reference to foreign advanced legislation and practice experience.
The fourth chapter is the conception of legal regulation of property and income attributable to the unmarried cohabitation in China. Mainly put forward the establishment of legal regulation should follow the principles such as distinguishing principle, value neutrality principle, the principle of protection and compensation, public order and good morals principle; and the detailed suggestions to solve the practice of unmarried cohabitation property disputes in the proposed agreement for the principle of no agreement or no agreement can be reached with the presumption of ownership, to achieve free will both parties to respect and protect the cohabitation of the disadvantaged party to achieve substantive justice. For some special classes of property more attention, such as gambling income. Intellectual investment, third infringement cohabitation party claims the right combination of case analysis was carried out to confirm the author idea. At the same time for the cohabitation of the parties and persons The legal relations of nature and property, such as inheritance and inheritance, support and support obligation, have put forward their own views.
The fifth chapter is the conclusion.
The main innovation points of this article are:
1, the research of cohabitation legal system has not been established in China, and the society also really need the law to solve practical problems, some researches have enough, this paper systematically discusses the related legal system of non marital cohabitation, and the current property relations concerned widely in practice as the research key.
2, from a different perspective, it analyzes the rationality of the existence of unmarried cohabitation and the necessity of its adjustment, and proves that it is urgent to regulate the property and attribution of the property acquired during the non marital cohabitation through relevant information.
3, through the comparison and reference of legislation practice of relevant countries, suggested that our country should establish the legal system of non marital cohabitation, at least in the current should be in a timely manner to the property relationship between the legal regulation of unmarried cohabitation. The legal system of non marital cohabitation property relationship and what contents should be included in proposed own opinion, the main in the fourth part of the paper.
What needs to be explained is that due to the limited theoretical level of the writer and the lack of data, life experience is rather shallow. The viewpoints or statements in this article must be unsatisfactory or biased.
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