本文选题:离婚 + 损害赔偿 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 2001年4月,我国《婚姻法》修正案正式颁布施行,离婚损害赔偿制度是其中的重要成果之一,该制度在一定程度上体现了“保护婚姻关系中无过错方的合法权益、惩戒重大过错方”的立法本意。但不可否认,离婚损害赔偿制度作为一项新生事物,在理论上还不够成熟,法律条款的规定过于抽象和简单,对很多问题没有作出明确的规定。本文试以我国现行的离婚损害赔偿制度的结构内容为切入点,结合现实生活中众多相关问题进行探讨,并提出立法完善的建议。全文共四个部分,行文约三万字。 第一部分为离婚损害赔偿制度的概念及性质。首先,对配偶权的性质进行论证,笔者认为配偶权是具有人格属性的身份权,并兼具绝对权和相对权的双重属性。其次,笔者赞同将离婚损害赔偿责任的性质定性为侵权责任并加以阐述。 第二部分为我国现行的离婚损害赔偿制度的框架和内容。首先,肯定了离婚损害赔偿制度对我国目前的社会生活和司法实践的重要意义和深远影响;其次,详细分析了我国离婚损害赔偿的构成要件;再次,分析了我国离婚损害赔偿的范围,包括了离婚财产损害赔偿和离婚精神损害赔偿。 第三部分分别从离婚损害赔偿的适用范围、主体范围、举证责任和赔偿原则及数额方面进行分析。在适用范围方面,笔者认为应将现实生活中普遍存在的其他严重侵害婚姻家庭关系的行为纳入离婚损害赔偿的范围,并对相关问题进行探讨;在主体范围方面,笔者对“无过错”的概念进行界定,并认为权利主体不宜放宽至其他家庭成员,对于均有过错的配偶双方可以适用过失相抵原则;无过错方可以将有过错的第三者与过错方配偶作为共同侵权人并要求承担连带责任;在举证责任方面,笔者不赞成过错推定原则,在证据上应确认视听资料在诉讼中的重要作用。 第四部分为笔者对于完善我国离婚损害赔偿制度所提出粗浅的立法建议。笔者认为,目前法律规定的允许提起离婚损害赔偿的侵权行为范围过于狭窄,应当予以拓宽;对于主体范围,应将权利主体限于配偶双方,将义务主体扩大至有过错的第三者;在举证责任方面,可以适用优势证据原则,以减轻当事人的举证负担;在重视听资料证据的同时,应当明确合法的取证途径,积极发挥其他形式证据的作用;对于赔偿数额方面,笔者赞同认定夫妻忠实协议中约定的数额作为离婚损害赔偿的依据,同时细化赔偿数额的认定标准,使法官在审判过程中有据可依。通过对我国离婚损害赔偿制度的进一步完善,使该制度对司法实践有更重要的指导意义。
[Abstract]:In April 2001, the amendment of Marriage Law was promulgated and put into effect in our country. The system of compensation for divorce damages is one of the important achievements. To a certain extent, the system embodies the "protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the non-fault party in the marriage relationship". The legislative intent of punishing the party responsible for a serious offence. But it is undeniable that the system of compensation for divorce damages, as a new thing, in theory is not mature enough, the provisions of the legal provisions are too abstract and simple, there are no clear provisions on many issues. This paper tries to take the structure content of the current divorce damages system as the starting point, combining with many related problems in real life, and puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the legislation. The full text has four parts, writing about 30,000 words. The first part is the concept and nature of divorce damages system. First of all, the nature of the spouse right is demonstrated. The author thinks that the spouse right is the identity right with personality attribute, and has the dual attributes of absolute right and relative right. Secondly, the author agrees that the nature of divorce damages liability is defined as tort liability. The second part is the framework and content of the current divorce damages system in China. Firstly, it affirms the important significance and far-reaching influence of divorce damage compensation system on the current social life and judicial practice of our country; secondly, it analyzes in detail the constitutive elements of divorce damages compensation in China; thirdly, This paper analyzes the scope of divorce damages in China, including divorce property damages and divorce spiritual damages. The third part analyzes the scope of application, the scope of subject, the burden of proof and the principle and amount of compensation. In terms of the scope of application, the author believes that other serious violations of marriage and family relations in real life should be included in the scope of divorce damages, and the relevant issues should be discussed. The author defines the concept of "no-fault", and thinks that the subject of right should not be relaxed to other family members, and the principle of fault offset can be applied to both spouses with fault. The faultless party may take the third party and the spouse of the fault party as joint infringers and demand joint and several liability; in the burden of proof, the author disagrees with the principle of presumption of fault. The important role of audiovisual materials in litigation should be recognized on the evidence. The fourth part is the author to perfect our country divorce damage compensation system to put forward the shallow legislation suggestion. The author believes that the scope of tort that allows for the filing of divorce damages is too narrow and should be broadened, the subject of right should be limited to both spouses and the subject of obligation should be extended to a third party who is at fault. In the aspect of burden of proof, the principle of superior evidence can be applied in order to lighten the burden of proof of the parties, while paying attention to the evidence of audio-visual materials, we should make clear the legal means of obtaining evidence and actively play the role of other forms of evidence. As for the amount of compensation, the author agrees that the amount agreed in the agreement of husband and wife loyalty is the basis of divorce damages, and at the same time, the standard of determining the amount of compensation should be refined, so that the judge can rely on the evidence in the course of the trial. Through the further improvement of the system of compensation for divorce damages in China, the system has more important guiding significance to the judicial practice.
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