本文选题:黑格尔 + 家庭 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:For a long time, Hegel's family theory has been questioned because of its conservatism. Based on the principle of philosophy of Law, this paper is devoted to the study of Hegel's family law philosophy in order to find out the meaning and basis of Hegel's family thought, the criticism and reason, and the defense that can be obtained. The preface of this paper combs the relevant research on Hegel's family law philosophy at home and abroad. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into five parts: the first part introduces the western family view, especially Aristotle, Kant, Fichte and German Romantic family concept, which have important influence on the formation of Hegel's family thought. In Aristotle's view, the family is an integral part of the city-state but not in the realm of morality, while Kant and Fichte set the path for the moral character of the family. Romanticism focuses on the emotional dimension of the family and regards the family as a completely independent social domain. The second part analyzes the uniqueness of Hegel's family law philosophy, that is, the ethical entity of family. In Hegel's opinion, family as an ethical entity plays an important role in carrying out the unity of the individual and the common body through love. At the same time, the family becomes an ethical entity with special regulations because of its natural attributes. The third part investigates marriage as the foundation of family. Marriage is an ethical love with legal meaning, so Hegel distinguishes himself from the popular naturalism, contract theory and romantic view of marriage. In Hegel's view, marriage aims at realizing the unity of entity, which makes marriage an ethical obligation. The fourth part carries on the research to the family wealth. Family wealth is an indispensable part of Hegel's family theory as the external determination of family. Family wealth is not only the material guarantee to ensure the physical existence of family members, but also the external condition for the family and its members to be recognized. Family wealth has an important function. On the one hand, family wealth gives the family outside of reality, on the other hand, family wealth also has a very important purification function in modern society. In Hegel's view, family wealth is acquired and managed by men who participate in civil life as husband or father, and are owned by family members in nature. The fifth part analyzes the disintegration of the family. In Hegel's ethical system, the family, as a direct and natural ethical entity, will transition to a higher ethical stage. Specifically, there are three cases of legal disintegration, natural disintegration and ethical disintegration. It is the ethical mission of the family to break up the family either because of the breakdown of the marriage or as a result of the death of the parents or the separation of the children from the family as adults. The transition from the family to the civil society and then to the state is the process of the development of ethics and the realization of freedom. The conclusion of this paper reveals the historical background of Hegel's family law philosophy, and explains that Hegel is actually under the circumstances of the impact of modern economic relations on the traditional social order. Trying to preserve a shelter for modern humans from economic rationality.
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