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发布时间:2018-05-30 15:04

  本文选题:亲权 + 监护 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:亲权是基于特定身份关系产生的,父母对未成年子女在人身和财产方面的权利与义务。我国立法不采用亲权的概念,但理论上普遍认为我国存在亲权的实质内容。亲权制度包括亲权的原则、主体、内容、行使、变动等内容。然而,我国法律仅规定了亲权的具体内容,对其他内容未予规定,造成了法律漏洞。本文结合我国司法实践中存在的具体问题以及现行立法缺陷,提出我国应当建立独立的亲权制度。并在此基础上,对我国亲权制度的内容进行了构建。文章分为导言、正文、结语三个部分。导言部分主要为问题的提出。 正文共四章。第一章为亲权制度概述。首先阐述了亲权的概念、亲权的特点。随后在大陆法系国家相关规定的基础上,对亲权制度和监护制度进行了比较。以各国亲子关系立法为依据,总结出亲权制度现代发展的四个趋势。 第二章为完善我国亲子关系立法的必要性。总结了亲子关系在我国司法实践中存在的问题。对目前我国相关法律规定进行了梳理,并对现行立法进行了评析。以现行立法缺陷和实践中存在的问题得出完善我国亲子关系立法已势在必行。 第三章为我国亲子关系立法的模式选择。分析了理论界关于我国亲子关系立法模式选择的不同观点。总结了大陆法系国家和英美法系国家相关立法的特点。最后,结合我国国情,得出我国应当建立独立亲权制度的结论。 第四章为我国亲权制度的内容构建。该章重点讨论了亲权的内容、亲权的行使、亲权的变动三方面内容。结合我国国情,分别提出了完善我国亲权制度立法时应注意的问题。通过对不同国家立法和理论观点的分析,笔者提出亲权不应当包括父母对未成年子女的抚养义务、亲权包含父母的姓名决定权、父母对未成年子女财产不享有收益权、父母非为子女利益不得处分子女财产。婚姻关系存续期间应当始终坚持父母共同行使亲权。行使亲权产生争议的,父母应协商解决。其中关系子女重大利益的,可由人民法院裁决。离婚时,由父母一方行使亲权更利于未成年人保护。因此,离婚时除父母协议共同行使亲权外,法院应当判决由与子女共同生活的一方行使亲权。公权力机关应当加强对亲权的干涉。在法院不适宜主动进行司法干涉的情况下,有必要使我国民政部门、公安机关、基层群众自治组织以及社会福利机构等承担起保护未成年人的责任。
[Abstract]:Parental power is based on the specific identity relationship, parents' rights and obligations to minor children in terms of personal and property. The concept of parental power is not adopted in legislation of our country, but it is generally believed that there is the essential content of parental right in our country. The system of paternity includes the principle, subject, content, exercise, change and so on. However, the laws of our country only stipulate the specific content of parental power, but not the other contents, resulting in legal loopholes. Based on the specific problems in judicial practice and the defects of the current legislation, this paper puts forward that we should establish an independent parental power system in our country. And on this basis, the content of the system of parental authority in China has been constructed. The article is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction part is mainly for the question raising. The text consists of four chapters. The first chapter is an overview of paternity system. First of all, the concept of parental authority, the characteristics of parental authority. Then, on the basis of the relevant provisions of civil law countries, the paternity system and guardianship system are compared. Based on the legislation of parent-child relationship in various countries, four trends of modern development of paternity system are summarized. The second chapter is the necessity of perfecting the legislation of parent-child relationship in China. This paper summarizes the problems existing in the relationship between parents and children in our judicial practice. At present, the relevant laws and regulations of our country are combed, and the current legislation is evaluated. It is imperative to perfect the legislation of parent-child relationship through the defects of current legislation and the problems existing in practice. The third chapter is the mode choice of the legislation of parent-child relationship in our country. This paper analyzes the different views of the theoretical circle on the choice of the legislative model of parent-child relationship in China. The characteristics of relevant legislation in civil law countries and common law countries are summarized. Finally, according to the situation of our country, we draw the conclusion that our country should establish the system of independent paternity. The fourth chapter is the content construction of the paternity system in our country. This chapter focuses on the content of parental power, the exercise of parental authority, the change of parental power. According to the situation of our country, this paper puts forward some problems that should be paid attention to when perfecting the legislation of parental right system in our country. Based on the analysis of different national legislation and theory, the author puts forward that parental right should not include parents' obligation to raise minor children, parental right includes parents' right to decide the name of their parents, parents do not have the right to benefit from minor children's property. Parents shall not dispose of their children's property except for the benefit of their children. During the marriage relationship, parents should always insist on the joint exercise of parental power. Where disputes arise from the exercise of parental authority, the parents shall settle the dispute through consultation. The people's court may make a ruling on the important interests of the children. In divorce, parents exercise parental authority is more conducive to the protection of minors. Therefore, in divorce, in addition to the parental agreement to exercise parental authority, the court should decide that the party living with the children exercise parental power. The organs of public power should strengthen their interference in parental power. It is necessary to make the civil affairs department, the public security organ, the grass-roots mass autonomous organization and the social welfare organization bear the responsibility of protecting the minor under the circumstance that the court is not suitable to take the initiative to intervene in the judicature.


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