[Abstract]:China has more than 900 million agricultural population, including more than 400 million women. In the rural areas with large population, the protection of the rights and interests of rural women has always been the focus of the protection of women's rights and interests in China. With the development of society, divorce cases in rural areas in China have increased year by year in recent years, how to strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of rural divorced women has become particularly important. The related rights and interests of rural divorced women are not only related to their own production and life guarantee, but also related to the harmony and stability of rural society. If the relevant rights and interests are not protected, it will directly lead to their survival crisis and bring great negative influence to the construction of new socialist countryside. In the treatment of rural divorce cases, it will involve many rights such as personal rights, property rights, marriage and family rights of rural women, among which the property rights are of great importance, and the right to use the homestead in the property rights is often ignored by people. At the same time, with the acceleration of urbanization in China, the rural residential land in the suburbs contains enormous benefits. For the immediate vested interests and long-term interests, the phenomenon of encroachment on rural divorced women housing use rights is even more serious. Therefore, through the analysis of the phenomenon that the rural divorced women's right to use the house land has been infringed, this article hopes to reveal the insufficiency of the current law of our country to protect the right to use the house land of the rural divorced women, and put forward some suggestions. In order to improve the rural divorced women housing use rights protection. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the current situation of the rural divorced women's right to use the house. Combined with relevant materials and practical cases, this paper points out the four major manifestations of rural divorced women's right to use the homestead: first, rural women can not claim their own homestead use right after divorce; second, Rural women have lost the right to use their homestead after divorce; third, even rural divorced women who have become heads of household can not have long-term land rights; fourth, rural divorced women have a difficult road to protect their rights. The second part analyzes the causes of the rural divorced women's right to use the house. Including the long-term existence of illegal village rules and regulations, the unreasonable provisions of the right to use homestead, the lack of protection of rural divorced women's right to use homestead and the lack of membership in rural collective economic organizations. The third part puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the security of rural divorced women's right to use house land. It includes strengthening the supervision and examination of village rules and regulations, perfecting the relevant system of homestead use right and the protection of rural divorced women by relevant laws, and issuing the standards on the identification of members of rural collective economic organizations as soon as possible.
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