本文关键词:我国《循环经济促进法》实施评价标准探析 出处:《广西师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, the pollution and environmental damage, the consumption of resources has become the most serious problem in the development of human society, both developed and developing countries are unable to avoid this problem. How to achieve sustainable development has become the common subject of mankind faces. Under this background, circular economy has become many countries have paid great attention the mode of economic development, China is no exception. The eighteen report pointed out: to vigorously promote the construction of ecological civilization, ecological environment protection, construction of the beautiful China, the comprehensive construction of the well-off society, for the transformation of economic development mode, to carry out circular economy, resource consumption, environmental damage and ecological, economic and social development evaluation system benefits included, solve the problems of environment and resources. From the traditional economic development mode to the mode of transformation of circular economy is a complex system engineering. Through the Cyclic economy is a kind of advanced economic model, is a human on the basis of summing up experience, reflection on the economic development resulted in destruction of natural resources and the ecological environment, its survival and sustainable development is a serious threat to the understanding of the results, man and nature. The relationship to leap forward. The harmonious development of circular economy in China is still in its infancy, the harmonious development of man and nature consciousness is not yet fully spread, population, resources, environment and the relationship is very tense, and the legal system as a means of coercion can effectively promote the development of circular economy in our country. With the 2009 "Circular Economy Promotion Law" the promulgation of the law since the implementation of five years, the research center of gravity most of the domestic scholars more in the legislation, the legal system, the "Circular Economy Promotion Law" itself rarely in the research on the implementation of the Chinese. Scholars of the Circular Economy Promotion Law > > In the exploration of theoretical reflection and practice, should shift their focus from the construction of legislation to promote the implementation of circular economy "law" that makes "Circular Economy Promotion Law > process from actual status to the real state in the past. But" Circular Economy Promotion Law > key lies in the implementation of "circular economy Promotion Law" the effectiveness of the implementation and the establishment of evaluation standard of implementation. This paper takes China's "Circular Economy Promotion Law" the promulgation and implementation of the background, the starting point for the implementation of two aspects of theory and law from the perspective of jurisprudence of the evaluation criteria, combined with the "Circular Economy Promotion Law > particularity, it China's" Circular Economy Promotion Law "implementation of the evaluation criteria are discussed, put forward China's" Circular Economy Promotion Law > seven evaluation standards implementation in theory (whether people can in accordance with the "Circular Economy Promotion Law" provisions of the line As a model, to actively exercise their rights, take the initiative to fulfill their obligations, whether according to legal liability law > set legal responsibility of the illegal promotion of circular economy; all caused by the problem of circular economy in civil and economic disputes incidence and clearance rate; the ordinary citizens for the Circular Economy Promotion Law > < understanding familiarity for them, "reduction, recycle and reuse" concept to improve the degree of comparability study; and the circular economy in other countries or regions to promote the implementation of the "law"; whether ordinary people feel reasonably effective utilization of resources; on the "Circular Economy Promotion Law of income and cost ratio the implementation of the law;" Circular Economy Promotion Law "is the effect of the implementation of legislation reached the desired purpose), this promotion law of the circular economy evaluation on implementing the standard in the present stage of our country lack" Effects resulting from the quasi legislative, technology and other aspects of the concept of analysis of the reason of the evaluation standard implementation method > < deletion of China's circular economy promotion, finally put forward from the evaluation standard, China's "circular economy promotion evaluation method > implementation of the standard suggestion to improve the program.
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