本文关键词: 行政垄断 政府内部规制 司法审查 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:2015年10月22号,最高人民法院发布了年度十大经济行政典型案例,其中第一个案例"南京发尔士新能源有限公司诉南京市江宁区人民政府行政决定案"和第三个案例"丹阳市珥陵镇鸿润超市诉丹阳市市场监督管理局行政登记案"都是涉及行政垄断的典型案件。"行政垄断指行政机关滥用行政权力,违法提高市场准入门槛、违法指定特定企业从事特定业务、违法设置条件限制其他企业参与竞争等行为。" ①其破坏了我国社会主义市场经济的公平秩序使市场竞争机制失灵;同时使资源得不到优化配置,社会贫富差距也随之拉大;且导致政府寻租、创租行为频发,滋生了社会腐败风气,对政府的内外形象造成了较大破坏和不利影响。我国的《反不正当竞争法》、《反垄断法》等法律以及《关于禁止在市场经济活动中实行地区封锁的规定》等行政法规都对此明令禁止。行政垄断产生至今,学术界对其研究的文章也不在少数,但规制理论多集中于讨论立法疏漏、行政机关内部规制以及执法不力的问题上。涉及司法审查的也有一部分,但大都是对诉讼类型进行的讨论,展开论述司法审查这一架构的更少,因此导致司法规制这一最后防线成为薄弱环节。因此,笔者试图通过查阅资料,整合分析近五年来涉及行政垄断的裁判案件,对行政垄断案件进行司法审查构架,从而更好的解决这一问题。另外,新修《行政诉讼法》第十二条第八项也明确将行政垄断列为行政诉讼的受案范围。将行政垄断行为作为一种行政违法行为进行调整,为权利受到侵害的公民、法人或其他组织提起行政诉讼提供了法律依据。基于这样的背景,本文通过采用调查法、比较研究法、文献研究法、实证研究法和总结归纳法对行政垄断的司法审查问题进行研究。全文共分为六个章节,第一章绪论,主要论述本文的研究目的、意义以及研究现状,为后文的书写奠定基础;第二章通过对行政垄断概念的辨析,认清真正对经济发展造成阻碍的权力内容及性质;通过对行政垄断的分类解决行政诉讼中受案范围的划分问题,明确矛盾聚集点。同时,理清行政垄断形成的各方面原因,在后文的司法审查救济环节抓住重点。第三章整合分析近五年来涉及的行政垄断裁判案件和发改委查处的案件,对比案件类型、审级及胜诉率,通过对政府内部规制存在的问题分析,提出治理行政垄断需要进行司法审查的重要性。第四章介绍了我国现阶段行政垄断司法审查方面存在的若干问题,如:抽象行政行为因为其没有具体的指向对象,所以在日常生活中很难受到规制,而且其制定主体层级比较高,通过行政复议等方式难以有效监督。所以,通过司法审查的方式可以较为有效的解决问题,但是实务当中长期存在法律依据不明确以及主体责任缺位等问题。第五章是对行政垄断司法审查的完善提出笔者自己的一些建议。通过对受诉法院的确立,当事人资格的分析,举证责任以及法律责任等问题的阐述,建立起基本的对行政垄断行为的司法审查机制和法律框架。并且结合我国目前学界的研究成果,从反行政垄断的立法、内部运行机制、行政机关执法内容等方面对行政垄断问题进行研究,充分解决行政垄断问题,还市场一个自由发展的环境,进而促进我国经济的持续健康发展。
[Abstract]:In October 22, 2015, the Supreme People's Court issued a typical annual ten economic administrative case, the first case of "Nanjing Tesma new energy Co. Ltd. Jiangning District of Nanjing Municipal People's government administrative decision case" and third case of "Er Ling Zhen Danyang City Hongrun supermarket v. Danyang municipal market supervision administration of administrative registration is a typical case" in cases involving administrative monopoly. "Administrative monopoly refers to the abuse of administrative power, illegal to improve market access threshold, illegal specific enterprises engaged in specific business, set up illegal restriction of other enterprises to participate in the competition." it destroys the fair order of our country socialist market economy makes the market competition mechanism and the resource failure; not to optimize the allocation of social wealth gap becomes wider; and the result of government rent, rent creating behavior frequently, breed social corruption, to the government Inside and outside the image caused great damage and adverse effects. China's "Anti Unfair Competition Law", "anti-monopoly law and other laws > and < on Prohibiting Regional Blockade of the provisions on the administrative regulations in market economic activities are prohibited. The administrative monopoly has so far, most of the research articles not in the minority, but the regulation theory focused on the discussion of legislative oversight, administrative regulation and enforcement of internal problems. To judicial review is also a part of, but most of them are to discuss the types of litigation, discusses the judicial review of the architecture of a less, thus leading to the final line of judicial regulation become weak link. Therefore, the author attempts to access to information, integration of judging cases involving administrative monopoly in recent five years, the judicial review framework of administrative monopoly case, in order to solve this problem. In addition, the new "Administrative Procedure Law > twelfth of the eighth also clear the administrative monopoly as the scope of administrative litigation. The administrative monopoly as an illegal administrative behavior adjustment, for violation of the rights of citizens, legal persons or other organizations in administrative proceedings provide a legal basis. Based on this background. By using the survey method, comparative research method, literature research method, research on judicial review of administrative monopoly of the empirical research method and inductive method. The thesis is divided into six chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, mainly introduced the research purpose, significance and research status, which lays the foundation for later writing; second chapter through the analysis of the concepts of administrative monopoly, recognizing the real power caused by the contents and nature of obstacles to economic development; through the classification of administrative monopoly solution in administrative litigation division scope. Questions, clear contradiction gathering point. At the same time, the reasons for the formation of clear administrative monopoly, seize the key link in the judicial review of the relief. In the third chapter, the integration analysis of nearly five years to the administrative monopoly judgment and the development and Reform Commission to investigate the case, comparison of types of cases, the trial level and win rate, through the existence of government regulation of the problem analysis, put forward the importance of governance of administrative monopoly to judicial review. The fourth chapter introduces some problems existing at the present stage, the judicial review of administrative monopoly in China such as the abstract administrative act because it does not refer to a specific object, so in daily life is very difficult to regulate, and the relatively high level of body by the way, the administrative reconsideration to effective supervision. Therefore, to solve the problem effectively by way of judicial review, but the practice of long-term memory in the legal basis The problem is not clear and the absence of responsibility. The fifth chapter put forward some suggestions to perfect the judicial review of administrative monopoly. Through the establishment of the court of appeal by the analysis of the eligibility of the parties, the burden of proof and the legal liability question elaboration, establishes the basic of administrative monopoly judicial review mechanism and legal framework and combining with the research results of China's current academic circles, from the anti administrative monopoly legislation, internal operation mechanism, the administrative law enforcement organs contents, researches on administrative monopoly and administrative monopoly to fully solve the problem, but also a free market development environment, and promote the sustained and healthy economic development in China.
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