本文选题:遗嘱信托 切入点:信托法 出处:《上海交通大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:遗嘱信托(Probate Trust)是指遗嘱人通过立遗嘱的方式设立信托来处分遗产的制度,也称死后信托制度。遗嘱信托在信托业发达的国家,如美国,占据了整个信托业相当大的比重。但是在我国,遗嘱信托在整个信托行业中的占比却非常低,其中固然有文化差异的原因,但是笔者认为相关法律制度的完善与否也是其中一个重要原因。对于遗嘱设立信托,现有的《信托法》只是给出了寥寥几条原则性的规定,而没有对其进行给予细致、谨慎的和单独的立法。信托业在我国发展速度越来越快,规模越来越大,但是相关的法律制度本身却存在许多问题,甚至在逻辑自洽方面都有欠缺的地方。鉴于成立和生效方面的问题是直接影响法律的工具作用的问题,笔者认为,对这一问题的审视,应该是改进遗嘱信托制度的基础和前提。遗嘱信托是信托的一个分类,但是其与生前信托相比,有其特殊之处,尤其是在我国现行《信托法》环境下,两者是难以通过同样的手段进行规制的。本文希望通过对比和研究关于遗嘱信托成立问题的各个学说、立法流派,总结和提出在理论上站得住脚、能够符合现实情况的观点,对遗产信托相关法律制度的改善路径提出自己的看法和建议。本文主要分为四个部分。第一部分从遗嘱信托的成立和生效的概念及其条件入手,讨论成立生效条件对遗嘱信托的重要性;第二部分主要分析学界目前对遗嘱信托成立和生效问题所持的主要种观点,以及国外信托行业较为发达的国家和地区的相关法律规定,并提出自己的一些看法;第三部分针对我国目前《信托法》中关于遗嘱信托成立生效问题的规定进行分析,并探讨其中的不足;第四部分则综合前文,对我国相关立法的改进提出自己的见解和看法。
[Abstract]:Probate Trustis a system in which testator establishes a trust to dispose of the estate by making a will, also called the system of post-mortem trust. The testamentary trust is in a country with developed trust industry, such as the United States. It accounts for a large proportion of the trust industry. But in our country, testamentary trust accounts for a very low proportion of the whole trust industry, which is certainly due to cultural differences. However, the author thinks that the perfection of the relevant legal system is also one of the important reasons. For the testamentary trust, the existing Trust Law only gives a few rules of principle, but does not give details to it. The trust industry is developing more and more rapidly and on a larger scale in our country, but there are many problems in the relevant legal system itself. Even in the aspect of logical self-consistency, there is a deficiency. In view of the fact that the problem of establishment and entry into force is a problem that directly affects the instrumental role of the law, the author believes that the examination of this problem, Testamentary trust is a kind of trust, but compared with living trust, it has its special features, especially in the current trust law of our country. It is difficult to regulate the two by the same means. This paper hopes to compare and study the various theories on the establishment of testamentary trust, legislative schools, summarize and put forward a theoretical tenable, can meet the reality of the point of view, This paper is divided into four parts. The first part starts with the concept and conditions of the establishment and validity of the testamentary trust. The second part mainly analyzes the main views of scholars on the establishment and validity of testamentary trust, and the relevant laws and regulations of countries and regions where the trust industry is relatively developed. In the third part, the author analyzes the provisions about the establishment and validity of testamentary trust in the Trust Law of our country, and probes into the shortcomings of the provisions; part 4th synthesizes the previous articles. To improve the relevant legislation of our country put forward their own views and views.
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