本文选题:反垄断法 切入点:价值取向 出处:《吉林财经大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The value problem is the core and preemptive problem in the antimonopoly legislation and implementation. This paper attempts to respond to the value orientation in the current anti-monopoly legislation and implementation in China, and make a more rational discussion on the value orientation of the anti-monopoly law. Forming the consensus of value in cognition and even in the practice of system, It is hoped that China's anti-monopoly law will play an irreplaceable and important role in the socialist market economy. The theoretical basis and practical need of studying the value orientation of anti-monopoly law are discussed. The value problem is the academic research of anti-monopoly law. A complicated and bustling field in the practice of research and institution, The value orientation of anti-monopoly law is controversial. The institutional basis of anti-monopoly law is mainly embodied in economic system, legal system and political system. The core of economic system should be to deepen the reform of market economy based on autonomy in an all-round way. The key of the legal system should be to regulate the monopoly according to law and lay the foundation of the rule of law for the regulation of monopoly according to law. The focus of the political system should be on the use of administrative power to stop monopolies. From the point of view of the articles, the value of competition is the first mentioned value in the texts of the anti-monopoly laws of various countries in the world. But we should see that, It is not the ultimate pursuit of anti-monopoly law to maintain the competition order of market economy. The reason why competition is emphasized by the anti-monopoly legislation of various countries is because the competition medium has deeper value. Competition at least has the following values: efficiency value, fair value, free value. This paper enumerates and introduces the development history of the value orientation of anti-monopoly law in developed capitalist countries. The value orientation of anti-monopoly law in the world is constantly changing and perfecting with the progress of the times and the development and change of human society. This paper introduces the development history of the value orientation of anti-monopoly law of the United States, Germany, South Korea and Japan. This paper comments on the value orientation of anti-monopoly law of four countries and draws the conclusion that it is beneficial to establish the value orientation of anti-monopoly law of our country. The value orientation of anti-monopoly law of our country should be based on the national conditions of our country and draw lessons from the advanced experience of anti-monopoly law of western developed countries. To establish the value orientation of anti-monopoly law with Chinese characteristics. To explore the basis of establishing the value orientation of anti-monopoly law in China. First, as an important part of economic law, the anti-monopoly law, as an important part of economic law, is established. Its value orientation should be consistent with the attribute of the Social Standard Law of the Economic Law, and pay attention to the overall social and economic benefits and overall equity. Second, The value orientation of anti-monopoly law must be adapted to the background of the times and give full play to the effect of anti-monopoly law. Defining the realistic basis of value orientation of China's anti-monopoly law. Based on the present social structure and the characteristics of political, economic and cultural manifestation in China, The value orientation of China's anti-monopoly law also presents the characteristics of diversification. On the basis of the evaluation of the value clauses of the anti-monopoly law in China, and based on the situation of our country, it clarifies the level in the internal game of the diversification value orientation. This paper establishes the value aspect of our country's antimonopoly law at present, and tries to construct a complete value system of antimonopoly law.
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