本文选题:保险合同 切入点:保险人 出处:《山东大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着保险行业的发展,保险合同的内容越来越繁杂、越来越专业,外行人若没有专业人士的指导,很难仅凭自身知识就能理解合同中的重要条款,更妄谈全面理解合同。一方面是保险人为了签订合同虚假宣传夸大理赔范围和理赔数额、在合同中设置不当条款却不予提示、甚至有意无意的误导投保人,另一方面是投保人对保险知识的匮乏和对保险能分散风险弥补损失的美好愿望、甚至是在保险推销人员的有意误导下产生的过分期待,双方的差距很容易导致保险合同纠纷的发生。因此,如何确保保险人真实宣传、确保投保人能真正理解合同,就成为各国保险法所关注的重点内容之一。我国在1 995年通过的保险法中,明确规定了保险人应履行说明义务,在2002年将保险人的说明义务进一步修改为提示说明义务。2013年6月8日,《最高人民法院关于适用(中华人民共和国保险法若干问题的解释(二)》开始实施,该司法解释中对保险人的提示说明义务做了更进一步、更详细的规定,使保险人对于如何履行提示义务具有了明确的可操作性,对于保险人正确规范的开展保险业务、对于法院审理保险合同纠纷案件统一标准有着极其重要的意义。但是,该司法解释虽然也对保险人的说明义务做出了规定,但仍没有像规定提示义务一样提出具体的、具有可操作性的鉴别标准。在司法实践中,关于保险人说明义务的规定仍过于宽泛,保险人是否履行完毕该义务仍需要依赖审判法官个人根据实际情况来确定,这就大大增加了该类案件判决结果的不确定性。法律永远不可能完美,这是法律本身就具有的缺陷,也是使法律不断完善的动力。为真正实现保险合同双方当事人的地位平等、保护投保人的合法权益,笔者认为应当在分析现在实际情况的基础上,从说明义务的履行主体、履行时间、履行条件、履行内容、履行标准、履行方式等各个角度入手,借鉴国外的相关规定,推动保险合同条款的通俗化、去专业化,明确保险人说明义务的履行方式和认定标准,最终推动保险法从立法到执法的完善。
[Abstract]:With the development of the insurance industry, the insurance contract is more and more multifarious, more and more professional, the layman without the guidance of professionals, it is difficult to only depend on their knowledge to understand the important terms and conditions of the contract, let alone make a comprehensive understanding of the contract. On the one hand is the insurer to sign a contract for false propaganda Kwame Dali scope and claims the amount of the improper clause in the contract is not prompt, or even mislead the insured naturally or half unconsciously, on the other hand is the wishes of the applicant for insurance and the lack of knowledge of insurance can compensate for the loss of the risk, even in expect too much to sell insurance misleading intentionally produced, the gap between the two sides can easily lead to insurance contract disputes. Therefore, how to ensure the insurer real publicity, make sure that the applicant can truly understand the contract, has become one of the important content of concern in China Insurance Law in many countries. In the insurance law passed in 1995, clearly stipulates the insurer shall perform the obligations, in 2002 will be the explanation obligation of the insurer to amend the instructions obligations of.2013 in June 8th, "the Supreme People's Court on the application (some problems of People's Republic of China insurance law interpretation (two) > began, the justice of the Insurance Tips interpretation of the explanation obligation makes further, more detailed provisions, make the insurer for how to fulfill the duty of prompt with a clear operability for insurers to correctly carry out insurance business, have extremely important meaning to the trial standard insurance contract dispute cases in court. However, although the judicial interpretation on the explanation obligation of the insurer to make provisions, but still not as stipulated obligations put forward, be identified with the standard. In judicial practice,. On the insurer's explanation obligation provisions are too broad, the insurer has fulfilled the obligations still need to rely on trial judges to determine the actual situation, which greatly increases the decision results of uncertainty. The law can never be perfect, it is the law itself has defects, but also the legal power to continue perfect. In order to realize the equal status of both parties of insurance contract, to protect the legitimate interests of policyholders, I believe that should be based on analyzing the present situation, from the main obligation to inform, to perform the time to fulfill the conditions to fulfill the content, performance standards, aspects of the mode of the performance of foreign relative regulations the insurance contract, promote the popularization, to professional, clear insurers that obligations and standards, and ultimately promote the insurance law from legislation to law enforcement Perfect.
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1 柯研 编译;保险合同[N];中国财经报;2005年
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4 刘t,