发布时间:2018-03-15 12:50
本文选题:旅游 切入点:旅游法 出处:《河北经贸大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:旅游业在我国正在日益发展成为一个新兴产业,但是由于目前我国旅游市场还处于发展之中,旅游方面的法律制度仍然存在诸多不足之处,导致旅游消费者在旅游消费过程中合法权益受到损害的现象层出不穷,旅游纠纷也日趋增加,使旅游消费者的合法权益得不到有效保障。因此,,笔者选择了该课题进行研究,试图在理论分析的基础上,通过介绍分析目前我国相关方面的立法、现存的一些问题以及借鉴国外关于旅游消费者权益保护的先进立法经验,对完善我国关于旅游消费者权益保护提出几点建议。笔者认为,选择该课题进行研究无论是从理论角度还是实践角度都有着非常积极的意义:不仅可以为日后我国在这方面的立法修改及完善提供一些参考建议;同时也可以合理地解决实务中的法律纠纷,减少甚至避免旅游消费者的合法权益受到不法的侵害,对维护我国旅游市场的正常秩序以及促进我国的旅游产业的发展具有十分重要的应用价值。 本文以分析我国旅游消费者权益保护现状为前提,深入分析研究国外的先进立法经验,对完善我国旅游消费者权益保护方面的法律法规提出了一些建议,力求为我国旅游消费者权益保护的法律构建奉献绵薄之力。 除去引言部分,本文将从以下四部分分别进行论述: 第一部分为旅游消费者权益的界定及内容。首先简要阐述了相关概念,之后介绍了基本内容。旅游消费者是指为了满足物质和精神上的需求,以游玩、休闲、观赏等方式参加旅行活动以及为了满足旅游活动的目的接受相关服务的自然人。而旅游消费者权益是指在旅游过程中接受服务或者购买、使用旅游商品时依法具有的积极的行为或者消极的不作为的权利,也包括要求旅游经营者等其他相关主体积极的行为或消极的不作为从而给自身带来的应得利益。旅游消费者依法享有自主选择权、知悉真情权等一般权利以及基于人事权利受到非法侵害以及旅游合同而产生的债权。 第二部分为我国旅游消费者权益保护的立法现状分析。根据旅游基本法、行政法规以及地方法规的相关规定,归纳、总结了我国相关方面的立法现状,并在此基础上分析了我国的旅游基本法、行政法规以及地方法规在这方面存在的不足。 第三部分简要分析了国外旅游消费者权益保护方面的立法。比较分析了国外一些国家以及国际条约在这方面的先进法律制度以及实践经验,并根据我国的实际情况可以提供的一些借鉴。国外关于旅游消费者精神损害赔偿制度以及旅游质量保证金制度尤其完善,值得我国借鉴学习。 最后一部分为对完善我国旅游消费者权益保护制度提出的一些建议。也是本文最重要的部分,根据上文的理论分析、我国的立法现状和缺陷以及国外的先进立法经验,对完善我国关于旅游消费者权益提出了几点建议。如《诗经》所言:他山之石,可以攻玉。合理地借鉴旅游立法发达国家在旅游消费者权益保护方面的立法经验,结合我国的实际情况,发现我国立法的不足之处,并加之以完善来促进我国关于旅游消费者权益保护的研究和立法进程,无疑是一种明智的选择。这部分从完善我国旅游消费者权益保护的实体法规范以及程序法规范两方面展开来讨论。
[Abstract]:The tourism industry in China is increasingly becoming a new industry, but because of the current tourism market in China is still in development, the legal system of tourism there are still many deficiencies, resulting in the tourism consumption emerge in an endless stream of tourism consumers in the process of damage to the legitimate rights and interests of the phenomenon, tourism disputes are also increasing, the tourism consumers' legal can't be protected. Therefore, the author chose this topic to study, based on theoretical analysis, this article through the analysis of the relevant legislation in our country, the existing problems and learn from foreign countries on tourism consumer protection of the advanced legislative experience to perfect our country and put forward some suggestions about the tourism consumers the protection of rights and interests. The author believes that the choice of the research both from the perspective of theory or practice angle has a very positive Meaning: not only can provide some suggestions for China's legislation and amendment after consummation; also can reasonably solve legal disputes in practice, reduce or even avoid the tourism consumers the legitimate rights and interests of illegal violations, to maintain the normal order of our country's tourism market and promote the development of China's tourism industry has a very important application.
Based on the analysis of the current situation of our tourism consumers protection as the premise, in-depth analysis of the experience of the foreign countries, and puts forward some suggestions on perfecting the laws and regulations of our tourism consumers protection, and strive for our tourism consumers protection law construction make a contribution.
Apart from the introduction, this article will discuss from the following four parts:
The first part is the definition and content of the rights and interests of tourism consumers. Briefly describes the related concepts, then introduces the basic content of tourist consumers is that in order to meet the material and spiritual needs, to play, leisure, natural person in travel activities, in order to meet the needs of ornamental tourism activities and tourism related services received. Consumer rights refers to the acceptance of service in the process of travel or purchase, use of tourist commodities in accordance with the law has positive or negative behavior is not right, including the requirements of tourism operators and other related subjects of positive or negative behavior is not so as to bring their own interests. The tourism consumers have to choose the right according to law. The right to know the general rights and rights have been infringed on the personnel and the travel contract and produce the creditor's rights.
The second part analyzes the legislative situation of our tourism consumers protection. According to the tourism law, administrative regulations and local regulations of the relevant provisions, summarized, summarizes the legislative status of the relevant aspects of our country, and based on the analysis of China's tourism law, the problems existing in the administrative regulations and local regulations.
The third part analyses the legislation of foreign tourism consumer protection. A comparative analysis of the international treaty and some foreign countries advanced legal system in this aspect and practical experience, and can provide some reference according to the actual situation of China. On foreign travel consumer mental damage compensation system and perfect quality guarantee system of tourism especially. Worthy of our learning.
The last part puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the tourism consumer rights protection system in China. It is also the most important part of this article, according to the above theoretical analysis, China's legislative status and defects and foreign advanced legislative experience, to perfect the legislation on the rights and interests of tourism consumers and puts forward some suggestions such as < > Book of Songs. Words: outside the box, may reasonably draw in tourism legislation in developed countries in tourism consumer protection legislation experience, combined with China's actual situation, find the shortage of legislation in our country, and to improve and to promote our country's research on tourism consumer protection and legislative process, is undoubtedly a wise choice this part from the substantive law to improve our tourism consumers protection and procedural law in two aspects to discuss.
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