本文选题:意外伤害 切入点:因果关系 出处:《烟台大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As a special kind of insurance, accident injury insurance has produced a lot of legal disputes in its rapid development. From the source, the insurance law of our country divides accident injury insurance under the category of personal insurance. This makes the liability of accident and injury insurance both of the fixed payment and loss compensation and the insurance law of our country can only apply to life insurance quota liability, therefore, At the same time, the subrogation right in the accidental injury insurance is discussed on the premise that the accident injury insurance is compensatory. Construct the system of agreed subrogation in accident injury insurance. However, accident injury insurance has its own system, and the premise of defining the liability of accident injury insurance is to clarify the legal recognition standard of "accidental injury" in accident injury insurance. And the causal relationship between accidental injury and damage results. In order to make up for the gaps in the legislation of insurance law on the above related contents of accidental injury insurance, and to promote the further development of the practice of accidental injury insurance, It is necessary to systematize the accidental injury insurance, to find out and sort out the legal problems involved in the accidental injury insurance, and to put forward some solutions.
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