本文选题:预付式消费 切入点:预付式消费合同 出处:《西南石油大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Prepaid consumption provides convenience for people's consumption activities, but it also brings new uneasiness to transaction security. As a result of frequent disputes in prepaid consumption, consumers' rights and interests are often infringed upon. In the mediation of disputes, consumers are forced to compromise and end up in litigation because they are "prepaid" in the first place and are in a passive and disadvantageous position. Due to the lack of specific regulations, the judge prefers to mediate and deal with the matter, and finally mainly the consumer gives way. Therefore, the author studies the prepaid consumption contract, clarifies its legal relationship, and in order to protect the interests of the consumer, In order to balance the interests of both parties in the prepaid consumption contract, the significance of which is that, theoretically, it can enrich the contract law of our country; in practice, it can promote the prepaid consumption to play a full role in stimulating consumption. The article is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction. This part introduces the purpose, significance, literature review and research methods of this thesis. Through two cases and related statistics, we can see that the legal practice of prepaid consumption contract is common in our country. The third part, the operator infringes the consumer's rights and interests by avoiding signing a written contract. It is very common for the operator to infringe on the consumer's rights and interests by using the form clause, and the operator infringing on the consumer's rights and interests by fraudulent means occurs from time to time. The four parts of the operator "running the road" often present the problems existing in the prepaid consumption contract. And analyzes its reason: the current prepaid consumption contract law stipulation is not perfect, the supervision is weak, the general lack of the written contract, the consumer legal consciousness is weak and so on. 4th part, to the United States, The advanced experience in the regulation of prepaid consumption contract in Japan and Taiwan is investigated and its enlightening significance is found. Part 5th, on the basis of combining the existing treatment methods with the reality of our country, draws lessons from the overseas effective experience. Some suggestions are put forward as follows: defining prepaid consumption contract as famous contract and making special provision; perfecting supervision of prepaid consumption contract; establishing social guard system of prepaid consumption contract.
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