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发布时间:2018-03-25 23:11

  本文选题:受益人 切入点:受益人变更 出处:《中国青年政治学院》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The insurance beneficiary is the core part of the insurance contract, but the legal consciousness of the insurance beneficiary has not reached the corresponding level. In addition, the insurance should have the value of the financial instrument in addition to the safeguard function. The life insurance policy pledge loan in our country is generally welcomed by the public because of its stability and convenience. The problem is, compared with the developed countries such as the United States, what is the current situation of the policy pledge rate in our country? Does the role of its financial instruments play a good role, how do insurance beneficiaries view this issue, and how to determine the relationship between the change system of insurance beneficiaries and the pledge of the policy will be more conducive to the embodiment of the legal value. This paper hopes to find out the situation of the change of insurance beneficiary and the rate of policy pledge by the way of field investigation, and then analyze the reason of the present situation, and consider the reasonable perfection of the insurance beneficiary system synthetically. Strengthening the correlation with policy pledge, in order to give full play to the role of insurance financial instrument, combined with the macro requirement of "making modern insurance service industry become the pillar force of perfecting financial system" in the ten new national articles of insurance industry in 2014, The thesis is divided into seven parts. The main research contents are as follows: the first part, the introduction. The purpose of the study and the research literature related to this problem are introduced, and the specific problems to be solved are put forward. The definition of basic concepts. This part mainly explains the two concepts of insurance beneficiary and policy pledge. The third part, the situation of data analysis. This part mainly introduces the basic situation of data analysis. Methods of analysis. The methods used in this analysis are: first, comparing policy data, listing the difference between the number of policy changes and the number of policies not changed, collecting and summarizing the main indicators of the change policies; second, collecting and summarizing the data extracted through causality analysis. According to the subjective hypothesis, the reasonable derivation, induces the influence factor, forecasts the future change trend. The fourth part, the questionnaire design, design and distribute the questionnaire, the questionnaire is mainly aimed at the insurance beneficiary, the main content includes the basic information, The fifth part, the questionnaire analysis, the statistical analysis of the data collected in the questionnaire, the statistical analysis of the data collected in the questionnaire through the chart method, Combined with the data to explain the change of insurance beneficiary, as well as some views of policy pledge. The sixth part, research conclusions. This part based on the survey data to draw the relevant conclusions and analyze the reasons for this result. Some suggestions are put forward to improve the insurance beneficiary system. In this part, some suggestions are put forward to improve the policy pledge rate, and the improvement of the insurance beneficiary system is aimed at improving the current situation and the existing problems of the insurance beneficiary. It is necessary to improve the insurance beneficiary system from two aspects: the beneficiary's own efforts and the external force's supervision.


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