本文选题:《国内水路货物运输》 切入点:水路货物运输合同 出处:《大连海事大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In our country, waterway freight transportation is the general term for coastal freight transportation and inland water (inland water) freight transport. Our country has a vast territory and many rivers and seas. There is a huge domestic waterway market. The waterway transportation needs to be adjusted by corresponding rules, but the legal construction of waterway freight transportation has been in a relatively backward state. Various civil legal relationships in waterway transport cannot be adjusted effectively. In this context, the abolition of the domestic regulations for the Carriage of goods by Water in 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the "cargo regulations") makes the legal basis for domestic waterway freight transport even more lacking. Therefore, It is particularly important to study the application of the law after the repeal of the Regulation. This paper discusses the application of the law after the abolition of the Commodity Regulation by means of comprehensive analysis. The main idea of this article is to explain the role played during the implementation of the Commodity Regulation, and to elicit the remaining problems after the abolition of the Commodity Regulation. And combined with the judicial practice of our country, This paper is divided into four parts to study the legal problems after the abolition of the Commodity Regulation. The first part is to put forward the problem. Analysis of the role and main defects of the cargo Code during its implementation, This paper introduces the following questions on the legal application of domestic waterway freight transportation left over after the abolition of the cargo regulations. The second part discusses the application of the law in the domestic waterway cargo transportation at present. The deficiency of applying the contract Law and the Maritime Law to adjust the domestic waterway freight transport relations after the repeal, It can be seen that the abolition of the goods regulations makes the application of the domestic waterway freight transport contract even more lacking. The third part puts forward the ways to apply the law after the abolition of the goods regulations. Under the premise of the existing law, the author puts forward his own opinions and legal channels on how to deal with the case of waterway cargo transportation. It is divided into two parts: the explicit agreement of the parties in the contract, and the agreement of the parties to merge the goods regulations into the contract, The article discusses the application of the Maritime Law and the failure of the parties to make an agreement or the invalidity of the contract. The fourth part discusses the suggestions for the perfection of the application of the domestic waterway freight transport law after the abolition of the goods Code. To further supplement the lack of application of the law. First, from the legislative point of view, it is suggested to speed up the legislative progress and to formulate and improve legal norms to regulate the transport of goods by water. Secondly, after the abolition of the goods regulations, it is suggested that relevant judicial interpretations be formulated. In order to better standardize the domestic waterway freight transportation, the judicial interpretation of "cargo Regulation" is made. Finally, based on the trial experience and industry self-discipline, it is suggested that the Chinese Shipowners Association and other relevant non-governmental organizations should play a role.
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