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发布时间:2018-04-04 12:32

  本文选题:证监会 切入点:IPO监管 出处:《湖南师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As the main body of IPO issuing supervision power and government regulatory agency, CSRC plays an important role in the securities market.However, due to the disharmony of the power structure, the regulatory role of the SFC can not be fully brought into play.The CSRC has many drawbacks in the audit and supervision of IPO.The operating mechanism of the issuing and auditing committee is not independent and transparent, the audit process is lengthy, the audit costs are high, the division of supervision between the SFC and other supervisory bodies is unclear, and too much attention to prior supervision results in insufficient supervision and enforcement after the event.Affected the Securities Regulatory Commission on the overall regulatory efficiency of IPO.As the power of CSRC is too centralized, it has been neglected in the legal supervision and the commitment of responsibility, which leads to the imbalance between the supervision and control of CSRC.The reform of the registration system has provided the direction for the regulatory transformation of the CSRC. At present, the securities market in China is not yet fully mature, and the investors' value judgment is not rational. In order to ensure the long-term and orderly development of the market, the regulatory structure of the CSRC must be adjusted.The content, mode and main body of supervision should be reorganized to perfect the division of supervision in each stage of IPO, to ensure that self-regulatory organizations and intermediary service organizations play a substantial regulatory role in the securities market.It is the core of the securities supervision system to complete the transition from prior supervision to ex post supervision. On this basis, the SFC should perfect and optimize the punishment mechanism of delisting supervision and false information disclosure.Under the guidance of the revised draft of the Securities Law, we should further strengthen the law enforcement efforts of the CSRC and improve its specific law enforcement measures, such as its power to investigate illegal cases, administrative, criminal penalties, administrative supervision procedures, and so on.Make the CSRC a more powerful market regulatory body.The supervision power of CSRC should also be subject to the effective supervision of law and internal and external, clear the legal responsibility of supervisors, in order to protect the legitimate interests of investors and realize the optimal allocation of resources in China's securities market.For the establishment of our country's multi-level capital market lay a good foundation.


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