发布时间:2018-04-14 04:24
本文选题:双重股权 + 普通股 ; 参考:《法制与社会》2016年26期
[Abstract]:Dual ownership structure is an effective means of corporate governance to realize the separation of control and ownership. In institutional arrangement, dual ownership structure has the advantages of preventing hostile takeover and realizing the long-term goal of the company.There are also disadvantages such as unequal disclosure of information, encroachment on the interests of common shareholders, such as encroachment on company business opportunities. Therefore, this paper argues that it is necessary to improve the right to know of common shareholders.The ways of judicial relief and supervision system protect the interests of common shareholders in order to achieve the balance between risk and income, rights and obligations under the capital market, and to maintain the stability of the capital market.
【作者单位】: 山东大学(威海);
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