本文选题:P2P网络借贷 + 法律监管 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:P2P network lending, as a new business model, has unparalleled advantages over the traditional bank lending model, and plays an important role in solving the problem of small and micro enterprises and personal financing difficulties.Playing an increasingly important role in Internet finance.However, with the rapid development of the industry, such problems as the running of the platform, missing links, closed stations, etc., the high rate of bad debts, illegal fund-raising, network fraud, and other problems have gradually exposed, seriously undermining the order of the network economy.To investors caused huge economic losses, to the Internet financial industry brought a large number of bad comments.The root cause of these problems is that the legal supervision of P2P network loan platform is not in place in our country.Although P2P network lending has the advantages of simple procedure, low threshold and high income compared with traditional banks, but whether it is technology,Compared with traditional banks, P2P network lending industry still has a long way to go.This paper combines the current situation and existing problems of P2P network lending industry in China.This paper interprets the newly promulgated regulations, such as the notice on the implementation Plan of the Special rectification of Internet Financial risks, the interim measures for the Management of Business activities of Network Lending Information intermediaries, and other newly promulgated laws and regulations.At the same time, through the research on the operation mode of P2P network lending platform in the developed countries of the United States and the United States, and the comparison with the domestic P2P model, this paper puts forward the legal supervision measures of our country's P2P network lending platform: insisting on the information intermediary status of the P2P network lending platform.Build a sound legal supervision system, establish a sound credit system, strengthen the intensity of information disclosure.The main content of this paper is divided into six parts: the first part, introduction.Including the research background and significance, literature review and research methods.The second part is an overview of P2P network lending, including the concept, characteristics and development process.The third part is about the mode of P2P network lending and the necessity of legal supervision combined with the current situation of P2P development in China.The fourth part is the legal regulation of P2P network lending.Although the interim measures for the Management of the Business activities of Network Lending Information intermediaries and the guidelines on promoting the healthy Development of Internet Finance have been promulgated, the regulatory status of P2P network lending in China is still not optimistic.The fifth part, the enlightenment of foreign advanced models to the development of P2P industry in China.In the sixth part, aiming at the existing problems and the current situation of P2P network lending in China, the author puts forward some suggestions to perfect the legal regulation of P2P network lending in China, such as insisting on the status of information intermediary, constructing a perfect legal supervision system and establishing a perfect credit investigation system.Strengthen the intensity of information disclosure.
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