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economic law value target way to achieve path paradigm

发布时间:2016-11-16 11:23



The comparison and Reflection of the Way to Achieve Valuble Target between the Foreign Economic Law and that in China——In the Perspective of the Generation Path of the Econ


CAO Shengliang( Law and Business School, Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan Hubei 430079 ,China)



AbstrHaving a correct understanding of the generation path and the pattern of the Chinese economic law has a direct influence on the system building for the overall interests of the whole community and the possibility to achieve that. There are 2 patterns for the generation of the foreign laws,which based on the development of the profound market economy and the mature law.It is a natural and spontaneous process. There exist some obvious differences between the generation path of the foreign economic law and that in China. If we can say that the 2 kinds of the generation path of the foreign economic law is what the government makes revolutions and has a control over the market. While the generation path for the Chinese economic law lies in that the government has a control by the legal means to avoid the market,then develop the society as an independent interest part,which leads to the exist possibility of the overall interest for the community. It is deviated from the objective condition of the Chinese economic law development to do the research on the basis of that to transplant the western economic law theory achievement and the practical experience of the mature market economy where government intervene the market without thought rethink,to understand the Chinese economic law as the wrong solution for the market and to emphasize on the Chinese economic law as the means to intervene the market,which doesn't grasp the history of the Chinese economic law development and don't make a objective connection of the development process of the Chinese market economy,what's more,which lacks on the study of the starting point and the purpose of the Chinese economic law.


Keyword::economic law value target way to achieve path paradigm

课题项目:国家社科基金青年项目《和谐社会建设与社会群体的利益协调研究》(09CSH002); 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目《和谐社会与社会转型——以新型现代性和实践结构的视野》(10JJD840003)的阶段性成果








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