本文选题:越权担保 + 合同效力 ; 参考:《河北法学》2017年12期
[Abstract]:The empirical analysis shows that, at present, the judgment on the validity of the company's ultra vires guarantee can be carried out from the following three paths: "Article 16 of Company Law", "Internal norms are not external" and "legal Representative exceeds his right". Defining the normative attributes of this provision to determine the validity of security is the judgment path adopted by most courts (65.94%). Although the recognition result of this behavior is gradual and effective 87.77 points, but the judgment thinking path has some doubts. The violation of this clause cannot directly point to the validity of the security contract. At the same time, many courts apply the principle of commercial appearance to the absolute, blindly pursue the protection of the legal interests of the relative parties, and completely ignore the protection of the interests of the company and its shareholders. Based on this, and considering the legislative intention of Article 16 of the Company Law, the judgment of the company's ultra vires guarantee effect should abandon the way of judging its effectiveness from the normative attribute of the article itself, and adopt the path of the legal representative's ultra vires. Therefore, relative to the subjective state of the transactional party, the subjective state of the transactional party becomes the reference factor for determining the validity of the ultra vires guarantee, and its "bona fide" should be presumed according to whether it is good or not to do a reasonable examination obligation, otherwise, it can be extrapolated "maliciously" and the rule of unauthorized agency should be applied by analogy. In this way, we can not only clarify the improper application of the act law, but also clarify the reasonable obligation of the counterparty to examine the transaction, thus balancing the legal interests between the parties involved in the ultra vires secured transaction.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;
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