本文选题:职业安全与健康 + 海事职业安全与健康 ; 参考:《大连海事大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Occupational safety and health concerns the physical and mental health and well-being of workers in all industries, as well as the possible effects of the surrounding and the overall environment, while the marine environment includes the requirements for physical labor, potential work hazards, loneliness, long working hours, solidified structure and high intensity stress and fatigue, etc. The safety and health of maritime occupation face a more severe test. As one of the great countries of the world seafarers, our country has become increasingly prominent in international status and social influence, but the legislation and policy of maritime occupational safety and health are not complete. This article is to ensure the safety and health of seafarers in ship work and fully guarantee the "decent work" of seafarers. This paper mainly studies the legal problems of maritime occupational safety and health management from three aspects of China's maritime occupational safety and health legislation, management and regulatory agencies. The first chapter is divided into five chapters. The first chapter defines the occupational safety and health, occupational safety and health management system, and the concept of occupational safety and health management model. The connotation and extension of maritime occupational safety and health are given, and the particularity of maritime occupational safety and health is expounded from many aspects. The following is the foundation for the study of maritime occupational safety and health management. The second chapter expounds the legal basis of China's maritime occupational safety and health management, including the analysis of the characteristics of the general occupational safety and health legislation. The third chapter points out the legal problems existing in China's maritime occupational safety and health management from the management system, the standard of seafarers' health protection and prevention of accidents, the multi-party cooperation mechanism and the labor supervision, and the fourth chapter through the study of the marine occupational safety and health supervision machine at home and abroad. The fifth chapter makes suggestions on the safety and health management of China's maritime occupational safety and health management, respectively, to improve our maritime occupational safety and health legislation, to improve our maritime occupational safety and health management system, to establish relevant protection standards, to attach importance to cooperation and to integrate administrative power. To advise the competent authorities, shipowners and seafarers.
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