本文选题:船舶油污 + 归责原则 ; 参考:《海南大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:自20世纪以来,因为船舶油污事故时有发生,对海洋生态环境造成了严重的破坏,对公民的人身和财产造成了重大损害,因此对船舶油污损害民事责任立法已经突破了以往传统的海商法所采取的过失责任主义,具有代表性的油污国际公约和国外立法都采用严格责任主义。 本文以《船舶油污损害民事责任归责原则立法研究》为题,结合民法和侵权法的基础理论介绍了归责原则的法律定义和各种不同的船舶油污归责原则主张,分析国际公约与国外立法对船舶油污损害民事责任所采取的归责原则,得出我国《海洋环境保护法》、《海商法》、《防污条例》各个法律法规也存在着各种不足,提出应以主要修改《海洋环境保护法》、《防污条例》中关于船舶油污归责原则的内容,辅之以修改船舶油污免责事由、责任主体、连带责任以期能完善我国的船舶油污归责原则。本文主要以船舶油污相关的国际公约和国外立法与我国相关法律规范进行比较与分析。文章第一部分先了解关于船舶油污归责原则相关的定义与种类;第二部分了解国际公约与国外立法所采取的归责原则,并于总结分析它们之间存在的异同与各自的可取之处;第三部分汇总船舶油污各种不同的归责原则主张,比较各个主张的立论观点;第四部分了解并分析我国现行法律规范中关于船舶油污归责原则的相关规定,指出相关的不足之处;第五部分结合国际公约和相关国外立法的实践来提出相关建议,以弥补我国船舶油污归责原则立法上的不足。
[Abstract]:Since the 20th century, because of the frequent occurrence of oil pollution accidents on ships, it has caused serious damage to the marine ecological environment and caused significant damage to the lives and property of citizens. Therefore, the legislation on civil liability for oil pollution damage of ships has broken through the negligence liability doctrine adopted by the traditional maritime law in the past. The representative international convention on oil pollution and foreign legislation both adopt strict liability doctrine. In this paper, the legal definition of the principle of imputation and various opinions on the principle of imputation of oil pollution from ships are introduced in combination with the basic theories of civil law and tort law, under the title of "Legislative Research on the principle of imputation of Civil liability for Oil pollution damage from ships". By analyzing the principles of imputation adopted by international conventions and foreign legislation for civil liability for oil pollution damage of ships, it is concluded that there are also various deficiencies in various laws and regulations of China's Marine Environment Protection Law, Maritime Law and pollution Prevention regulations. It is suggested that the contents of the principle of ship oil pollution liability should be mainly revised in Marine Environment Protection Law and pollution Prevention regulations, supplemented by the modification of ship oil pollution exemption, the subject of responsibility, and joint and several liability in order to perfect the principle of oil pollution liability of ships in our country. This paper mainly compares and analyzes the international conventions and foreign legislation related to oil pollution from ships and the relevant laws and regulations of our country. The first part of the article is about the definition and category of the principle of oil pollution imputation on ships, the second part is about the principles of imputation adopted by international conventions and foreign legislation, and summarizes and analyzes the similarities and differences between them and their respective merits. The third part summarizes the different kinds of ship oil pollution imputation principle proposition, compares the argument viewpoint of each claim; the fourth part understands and analyzes the relevant provisions of the ship oil pollution imputation principle in the current legal norms of our country. The fifth part combines the practice of international conventions and relevant foreign legislation to put forward the relevant recommendations to make up for the lack of legislation on the principle of oil pollution imputation in our country.
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