本文选题:公司股东 + 怠于清算 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The revised Company Law at the end of 2013 relaxed the threshold for the establishment of companies, and a large number of new companies poured in. The elimination mechanism of the survival of the fittest in the market or the violation of the compulsory law in the operation of the company will inevitably lead to the death of a large number of companies in nominal terms. The Company Law stipulates that after the dissolution of a company, it must go through liquidation before it can be cancelled. However, the legislative provisions of general liquidation in our country are not perfect, the lack of corresponding incentive and responsibility mechanism, coupled with the lack of credit system of shareholders and other reasons, leading to the phenomenon of shareholders slacking in liquidation, and so on. As a result, a large number of "plant companies" exist for a long time. This not only violates the law of the market, but also seriously endangers the main body of interest and the safety of transaction, hinders the benign development of our country's economy. Therefore, it is urgent and necessary to establish a perfect shareholder liability system. The present Company Law of our country has not made clear the legal liability of shareholders' slacking only in Article 18 of the Judicial interpretation of Company Law. However, it is obvious that the legislative rank is not high; the shareholders are lacking in the identification standard of the constitutive elements of the liquidation legal liability; the creditors' liability for damages and the limitation of action for the liquidation shareholders are lack of procedural law basis; the shareholders are lazy in the liquidation of criminal liability. Lack of legislation of administrative responsibility and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to raise the level of legislation, clarify the obligations and responsibilities of shareholders' liquidation in Company Law, clarify the constitutive requirements of shareholders' inaction in liquidation of civil liability, and set up a pre-procedure for creditors to initiate damages action. Perfecting shareholders' negligence in liquidation of criminal liability and administrative responsibility. Only in this way can the legal rights and interests of stakeholders be protected effectively and the transaction security and market order be maintained.
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