本文选题:责任保险 + 和解义务 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Liability insurance covers the insured's potential legal liability risk to the third party in order to guarantee the financial stability and peace of mind of the insured. When liability insurance accidents occur, litigation, arbitration and reconciliation are both the best ways to resolve the dispute, the "reconciliation" which requires a lot of negotiation and consultation between the parties is the greatest. The law of limited cost saving should be paid attention to, and in addition to the obligation of the liability insurer to fill the obligation of the loss of the insurer, based on the principle of honesty and credit, we should establish the obligation of the insurer to conciliate the liability, and realize the purpose of protecting the rights of the insured. In particular, the obligation of the liability insurer has not been involved; there is no liability for the liability of the insurer in the relevant liability insurance contract. This article, based on the relevant theories and referring to the foreign operating experience, discusses the legal attributes of the liability insurer's reconciliation obligation, the fulfillment of the content and the contral legal consequences. In order to conform to the function of the contemporary liability insurance and adapt to the principle of honesty and credit and the needs of the parties, this article includes five chapters except the introduction. The introduction proposes that the system of liability insurance should be perfected to comply with the needs of the development of the contemporary society, so as to achieve the successful maintenance of the safety and mood of the insured's property. In the first chapter of this article, after briefly introducing the understanding foundation of the liability insurer's reconciliation obligation, the basic position of the liability insurer's reconciliation obligation is mainly discussed. It advocates that the "compulsory" legislation stipulates the settlement of the liability insurer, and the leading nature of the liability insurer's settlement is the obligation, and its right attribute is embodied through its obligations; the liability insurer's obligation to reconcile is the legal obligation, and the liability insurer is the main obligation of the liability insurer, and the liability for the liability insurer is the liability of the liability insurer; When the insurer's reconciliation obligation is defined, the liability insurer should have the obligation to reconcile the insured with the third party on the basis of the principle of honesty and credit and promote the amount of compensation determined by the settlement agreement. The second chapter focuses on the implementation of the liability insurer's reconciliation obligation, including the basis of the civil agency theory; The precondition of its performance is the insurer's double notification obligation to the liability accident and the three party's claim, and the two basic matters arising from the dispute fall into the scope of the liability insurance; the way to perform is the insured, the liability insurer initiatively emits a settlement offer and the three party initiatively emits two ways of reconciliation. And in the latter, the settlement of the settlement of the latter is reasonable or not, the settlement of the principle of conflict of interest and the three specific situations (mainly reflected as the amount of the settlement offer, the difference between the amount of the lawsuit and the three parties of the liability limit) to accept or not the issue of the acceptance of the settlement, the main idea is that the "no consideration of the limitation of responsibility" is proposed by third people. To determine the standard of whether the offer is reasonable or not, the settlement offer of a conciliatory amount below the liability limit gives the insurer a complete decision to accept or not, and the ultimate responsibility is not limited to the limit of liability. On the contrary, the insured is completely determined by the insured and the liability insurer is only responsible for the liability limit. The third chapter of this article mainly discusses the responsibility of the liability insurer when it refuses to fulfill the obligation of reconciliation and does not fulfill the obligation of reconciliation. The fourth chapter refers to the fourth chapter of this article: the fourth chapter of this article is to compensate for the amount of the settlement, the cost of reconciliation and its interest, the adverse consequences of the "right to failure", and when the insurer does not fully fulfill the obligation of reconciliation. The fifth chapter is the conclusion, which includes the necessity and rationality of the establishment of the liability insurer's reconciliation obligation, and points out the significance of the research in this paper.
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