本文选题:社会控制 + 税收遵从 ; 参考:《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》2017年04期
[Abstract]:The function of fiscal and taxation law is the external expression of fiscal function, and the function orientation of fiscal and taxation law directly affects the provisions of fiscal and taxation law. After being positioned as the foundation and important pillar of governance, domestic scholars of economics and law began to attach importance to the study of the function of finance and taxation. Whether from the angle of economics or law, social control, social protection and social improvement should be the three aspects of the social governance function of fiscal and taxation law. According to MIG Dale's standard of social control, the social control function of fiscal law is embodied in the social public's obedience, participation and legitimacy recognition to government financial behavior, which is typically manifested in tax compliance, participatory budgeting and taxation law. If our country promotes the social control function of fiscal and taxation law, it should start from these three aspects without exception. According to the expected utility theory and prospect theory to revise the tax legal system, to improve the degree of tax compliance, to improve the budget system according to the theory of deliberative democracy, to gradually promote the participatory budget, to construct the tax legal retention system based on the social contract theory. Strictly implement the principle of taxation.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;
【基金】:天津市哲学社会科学研究规划项目(TJFX16-012)“天津反公地资源的识别与法律治理研究” 国家社科基金重点项目(13AFX005)“全口径预算决算管理改革及其法治化进程研究”
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