本文选题:信用卡 + 信用卡交易 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of market economy in China, credit card, as a payment tool, is taking the advantage of rapidity, convenience and security among the broad consumer groups, and has gradually replaced the traditional way of cash transaction. However, the credit card industry in mainland China started at the end of 1970s. Compared with developed countries, there is still a certain gap. However, with the development of macro-credit card in recent years, China has been regarded as the most potential credit card market in the world. With the rapid development of credit card business, the disputes of credit card transaction emerge endlessly. First, the laws and regulations on credit card transactions in our country are still not perfect, which is far from keeping pace with the development of the credit card industry; second, in the process of credit card transactions, in addition to credit card counterfeiting and other transaction risks, the transaction risks remain high. Besides the fairness of the form clause is questioned, the design of the defense cut-off condition also appears the limitation. The emergence of a large number of disputes not only damages the legitimate rights and interests of all parties involved in the credit card, but also is not conducive to the stable development of our financial market. This article is based on the author's practical experience in the credit card center, after collecting a large number of customer complaint materials, through induction, sorting out some representative issues, to analyze the credit card transaction disputes, the cardholder, The legal relationship between the credit card issuer and the special merchant; to explore the unreasonable place of the credit card issuing institution that provides the form clause when increasing the liability of the cardholder; to study the confirmation of the liability of the special merchant in the case of credit card counterfeiting, and so on. The author will divide into four chapters to introduce the credit card general situation, the legal relation between the parties to the credit card transaction, some legal problems existing in the credit card transaction, and some suggestions to perfect the credit card legal system of our country. From these four chapters combing the civil and commercial legal relationship in the process of credit card transactions, it is better for the development of credit card business to promote the positive role.
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