本文选题:委托贷款 + 商业银行 ; 参考:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, bank credit is tight, entrust loan business expands rapidly. Due to the excessive innovation in the entrusted loan business of commercial banks and the lag in the construction and supervision of the legal system of entrustment loan, there are many risks in the entrusted loan business, which affect the development of the real economy. In view of the development situation of entrustment loan, facing the risk and its influence, this paper makes a systematic study on the entrustment loan, and through comparative analysis, combs the problems existing in the legal and financial aspects of the entrustment loan. The suggestions of supervision and legal regulation are put forward. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is an overview of entrusted loans, the concept and characteristics of entrusted loans are described, the entrusted loans are redefined, and the role of entrusted loans is analyzed. The second chapter is the comparative analysis of entrustment loans, commercial loans, trust loans, private loans, and further reveals the nature of entrusted loans. The third chapter is about the risk of entrustment loan and the current situation of supervision, and analyzes the risk of entrustment loan, including legal risk and financial risk, in which the legal risk is mainly involved in litigation and the risk of invalid loan contract. Financial risk is mainly credit risk, operational risk and macro-control risk. The fourth chapter is the supervision and regulation of entrustment loan, and gives some suggestions on the supervision and legal regulation of entrustment loan. This paper puts forward concrete measures to perfect the laws and regulations of the business supervision and risk supervision of entrustment loan, and puts forward the corresponding punishment suggestions for the violation of these laws and regulations. The innovation of this paper lies in the research of entrustment loan from the angle of financial supervision. First, it demonstrates the necessity of the existence of entrustment loan in the case of legalizing private lending. Second, to avoid the risks that may arise from entrusted loans, we need to improve the relevant regulatory system. Through the research of this paper, we hope to provide a meaningful reference for the supervision and legal regulation of entrustment loan in the new period and new situation, so as to promote the healthy development of entrusted loan business.
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