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发布时间:2018-06-01 19:47

  本文选题:虚假广告 + 不正当竞争 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Because of the imperfection of the legal provisions on the unfair competition behavior of false advertisement, it is difficult to define the unfair competition behavior of false advertisement, the feasibility of legal remedy is not good, and the unfair competition caused by false advertisement is faced with. It is difficult for operators to maintain their right to fair competition through legal channels. First of all, it is necessary to clarify the unique attributes of false advertising as unfair competition. The constituent elements of unfair competition act are quite different from those of other civil tort acts: the subjective negligence of the actor can also constitute unfair competition, as long as there is the possibility of causing damage, it will constitute unfair competition. Unfair competition only occurs in the field of competition. Secondly, it is necessary to define the principle of false advertising as unfair competition. On the one hand, the unfair competition behavior of false advertisement must be in violation of the basic principle of Anti-unfair Competition Law; on the other hand, the definition of unfair competition behavior of false advertisement should be based on the corresponding judgment principle of false advertisement. Thirdly, it is necessary to define false advertising as the specific constituent elements of unfair competition. The theory of constitutive elements is the most effective way to define an act. On the subject, the subject of unfair competition of false advertisement should include the operators of goods and services and the advertisers. Subjective aspects include not only intent, but also negligence. In the field of competition law, the unfair competition of false advertisement infringes on the right of fair competition. In the objective aspect, the unfair competition behavior of false advertisement is mainly through the false advertisement to achieve the purpose of crowding out and restricting the competitors. Finally, there is a need to distinguish between related concepts. Only find out the unique attribute of unfair competition behavior of false advertisement, base on the basic principle of competition law and define the basic principle of unfair competition behavior of false advertisement, make clear the concrete constituent elements of unfair competition behavior of false advertisement. Only by discriminating and analyzing the related behaviors can the competition regulation of false advertisement be promoted.


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