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发布时间:2018-06-06 20:37

  本文选题:银行卡盗刷 + 赔偿 ; 参考:《云南财经大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the number of bank cards issued in China continues to increase significantly, credit card consumption has become a fashion. The extensive use of bank cards has brought us great convenience in our daily life, but the security problems have become increasingly prominent, especially the frequent occurrence of bank card theft cases in various places, which not only has a negative impact on the interests of cardholders, Thus, the security of savings funds is doubtful, and the bank's funds and reputation are also damaged, which seriously hinders the further development of its business. Since there are no specific provisions in our country's existing laws and regulations and judicial interpretation, this not only brings considerable difficulty to the court to deal with such cases, but also affects the unification of judicial adjudication standards. The dispute focuses on how to identify the theft, how to determine the "civil and criminal cross" procedure, how to distribute the burden of proof of both parties, how to bear the civil liability, and what proportion of each party should bear. It is of great practical significance to ensure the legitimate interests of cardholders and maintain the stability of financial order by scientifically and accurately defining the relevant legal relations of bank cards and correctly analyzing the loss and responsibility of stolen brush funds. This paper is divided into the following five parts: the first part is an overview of the bank card theft brush related problems, mainly defined the concept of bank card theft, and the bank card transaction relationship between the issuing bank, card holders, Receiving orders and the legal relationship between the various subjects of special merchants are discussed. The second part is the introduction of similar cases, the analysis of these typical cases appear in the rules of the referee, put forward controversial issues. The third part uses the theory analysis method to discuss the criminal and civil procedure of the bank card theft dispute. The fourth part makes a legal analysis on the related issues, mainly focusing on the focus of the dispute, namely, how to distribute the burden of proof between the cardholder and the bank in the bank card theft and brush. The fifth part points out that the bank and the cardholder should bear the corresponding civil liability according to their respective fault according to the legal relationship, the burden of proof and the civil penalty of the important procedure. And how to deal with the bank card theft and brush liability to bear their own views and suggestions.


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