本文选题:P2P网络借贷 + 运营模式 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:2007年,我国诞生了第一家P2P网络借贷机构“拍拍贷”。自此,P2P网络借贷便在我国以惊人的速度和规模成长起来。这一“舶来品”给国内借贷市场注入新鲜血液的同时,也因身份不明、法律空白、监管失位、治理不规范等病灶造成不容忽视的风险隐患。由于法律的滞后性,P2P网络借贷作为一种金融创新,在新问题显现后及时设计法律规范和布控监管显得尤为迫切。本文先对P2P网络借贷相关概念进行介绍,比较其特点和积极作用,分析国内外平台主要运营模式和其中涉及的法律关系,总结其发展阶段及监管现状,最后在前文的基础上,借鉴国外监管经验,探求完善我国P2P网络借贷的监管制度,提出个人建议。本文内容主要分为四个部分:第一部分,介绍了 P2P网络借贷的概况。首先进行P2P网络借贷的概念界定,然后将其与之容易混淆的民间借贷和商业银行进行比较,在此基础上总结出网络借贷拥有信息流通快、交易手续便捷、涉及金额小、借款期限短、贷款门槛低、覆盖面广的特点。最后,分析出P2P网络借贷具有满足个人资金需求、促使民间借贷阳光化以及有利于利率市场化三方面的积极作用。第二部分,介绍了国内外平台主要运营模式,即单纯中介型、复合中介型以及非盈利公益型模式,并结合典型的平台对其做了简要探索。其次,研究平台运营模式中包含的法律关系,即借贷合同关系、服务合同关系、债权转让合同关系、担保合同关系,并一一剖析。第三部分,阶段性的总结我国P2P网络借贷的行业发展历程,在此基础上将研究重点放在我国网络借贷的监管现状,再对现阶段监管新政的内容、争议和不足之处逐一深入解读与讨论。第四部分,结合前文并借鉴国外P2P网络借贷监管经验,提出一些对于完善我国P2P网络借贷法律监管的建议:完善P2P网贷平台的法律法规体系、健全P2P网络借贷平台的自律监管、加强个人征信体系、构建市场退出制度。
[Abstract]:In 2007, the first P2P lending institution, PPDAI, was born in China. Since then, P2P network lending has grown at an alarming rate and scale in China. This "import" injects fresh blood into the domestic loan market, but at the same time, due to unknown identity, blank law, lost supervision, non-standard governance and other lesions caused risks that can not be ignored. Due to the lag of law P2P network lending as a kind of financial innovation it is particularly urgent to design legal norms and arrange supervision in time after new problems appear. This paper first introduces the related concepts of P2P network lending, compares its characteristics and positive effects, analyzes the main operating modes of domestic and foreign platforms and the legal relations involved in them, summarizes its development stage and regulatory status, and finally, on the basis of the above, Based on the experience of foreign countries, this paper explores and consummates the supervision system of P2P network lending in China, and puts forward some personal suggestions. The content of this paper is divided into four parts: the first part introduces the overview of P2P network lending. First, define the concept of P2P network lending, then compare it with private lending and commercial banks, which are easy to confuse. On this basis, we conclude that network lending has the advantages of fast information circulation, convenient transaction procedures and small amount of money involved. Loan term is short, loan threshold is low, coverage is wide characteristic. Finally, the paper analyzes that P2P network lending has three positive functions: satisfying individual capital demand, promoting the sunshine of private lending and beneficial to the marketization of interest rate. The second part introduces the main operating modes of domestic and foreign platforms, that is, pure intermediary model, composite intermediary model and non-profit public welfare model, and makes a brief exploration on them in combination with typical platforms. Secondly, it studies the legal relationship in the platform operation mode, which includes the loan contract relationship, the service contract relationship, the creditor's rights transfer contract relationship, the guarantee contract relationship, and analyzes them one by one. The third part, summarizes the industry development history of P2P network lending in China, and on this basis, focuses on the current situation of supervision of network lending in China, and then the content of the new policy of supervision at the present stage. Disputes and inadequacies are explained and discussed one by one. The fourth part, combined with the previous article and drawing lessons from the foreign P2P network lending supervision experience, put forward some suggestions for improving our P2P network lending legal supervision: improve the P2P network lending platform laws and regulations system, improve the P2P network lending platform self-regulation. Strengthen the personal credit system and build a market exit system.
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