本文选题:公司合并 + 直接利益相关者 ; 参考:《四川省社会科学院》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Based on the analysis of the Company Law and related legislation, this paper mainly focuses on the shareholders and creditors in the merger, based on the research on the merger of the company and some of the direct stakeholders. The present situation of the legal protection of the three kinds of direct stakeholders is studied. The problems of legal protection of direct stakeholders in the merger of companies in China are summarized. Based on the comparison with foreign legislation and the legislation of Hong Kong and Taiwan, the author puts forward his own views and suggestions on the legal protection of the direct stakeholders in the merger of Chinese companies. In order to help the protection of the direct stakeholders in the merger of our country. In this paper, the current situation of legal protection of the direct stakeholders in the merger of companies in China, the existing problems are studied, and the relevant suggestions are put forward in the light of the existing problems. The essence of corporate merger is the unity of corporate personality, and the merger ultimately leads to the reintegration of corporate assets. Although the merger needs to follow the legal procedure and related principles, because its most basic motivation is to pursue the best interests, it may ignore the interests of other stakeholders and bring harm to them. Especially with the company has direct interests related to the main body. Among the direct stakeholders, the special status of shareholders, creditors and employees determines that they have a strong influence on the development and operation of the company. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the interests of the direct stakeholders in the merger. At present, the deficiency of the shareholders' interests protection in the merger of our country is mainly reflected in the defects of the minority shareholders' right to know, the minority shareholders' participation in the resolution and the shareholders' request to buy back the shares. The shortcomings of the protection of creditors' interests are mainly reflected in the uncertainty of the scope of protected creditors, the defects of creditor announcement system and the imperfect relief of dissenting creditors. In terms of the protection of workers' interests, it is not clear enough that the right to know, the right to supervise suggestions and the issue of placement of workers are not clear enough. The author hopes to strengthen the fiduciary duty of directors and supervisors and the fiduciary duty of controlling shareholders through perfecting the publicity system of company merger, and to define the scope of protected shareholders and creditors, and strengthen the right of staff and workers to know. Supervise the right of suggestion and perfect the legal protection of the three kinds of direct stakeholders in the merger. Corporate merger is an important model of corporate organizational reorganization, which has much influence on the main body. Only by maintaining a balance between the company and stakeholders can the company continue to develop well. I hope this paper can do a little to improve the legal protection of the direct stakeholders in the merger.
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