本文选题:反垄断 + 监管 ; 参考:《中国科学技术大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:The vertical relationship between enterprises is concealed, diverse and complex, and the effects of various vertical restrictions on competition and consumer welfare are two sides. Therefore, the evaluation of the legitimacy of the vertical monopoly is one of the core areas of concern in the theory and practice of the global antitrust, and is also a major challenge for the development of competition policy and the law enforcement of antitrust. Vertical monopolistic behavior is mainly manifested in all kinds of vertical price restrictions and non price restrictions, vertical price restriction is the key regulation object of the anti-monopoly law of various countries, and the vertical non price restrictions which the operators do not have the significant market force are relatively low. The adoption and transplantation of the principles of the system and the legal provisions of the EU have a high degree of generality and larger explanation space. The vertical monopoly is prevalent in many industries in our country at this stage, distorting competition, combating the new format, damaging the consumer's right to choose, and causing the high price burden of our consumers. In a series of vertical monopoly cases, it has been successfully applied to the existing rules of the antitrust law, effectively rectifying and punishing the monopolistic behavior, restoring the market competition order and protecting the welfare of the consumers. The antitrust system is the decisive role of the market to protect the allocation of resources, science, and a reasonable definition of the role of the market and the government. Because of the high generalizations and abstractness of the antitrust law, the legal certainty of the needs of the enterprise and the operability of the law enforcement agencies, the effective supervision of the longitudinal monopoly has become a difficult and hot issue in China's governance system. The scholars, influenced by the conservative economic analysis of the Chicago school and the decision of the 2007 Lijin case in the United States, have different opinions on how to regulate the antitrust regulation under the circumstances of the vertical monopoly, and are inclined to carry out the practice of the United States. The study of the EU model is not enough, and the current situation of China's governance and the stage of market development are lacking. Based on the actual situation and needs of our country, starting with the national conditions of our country, this paper introduces public policy analysis methods from law, law and economics analysis, comparative analysis and empirical research. First, the longitudinal monopoly of automobile industry is taken as a case study, and the longitudinal monopoly behavior of China's automobile industry is analyzed, and the longitudinal direction of China is summarized. Secondly, it compares the development of the anti monopoly regulation of the vertical monopoly in the EU and the United States, systematically combs the European Union's "prohibition + exemption" model and the historical context of the regulation of the vertical price restrictions by the American antitrust law, and criticizes the predicament of the Supreme Court decision of the United States and the case of the Lijin case in the 2007, the European Union. The "prohibition + exemption" framework provides reference for China's vertical monopoly regulation. Then through interviews and questionnaires, the regulatory model is constructed according to the relevant theories of public management, and the important factors affecting the supervision are put forward from three aspects of public value, authorized environment and operational ability, and the "antitrust law" and "antitrust" refer to the "anti monopoly law" and "antitrust". In the end, the role of the interaction between the government and the market, the application of the rules, the vertical monopoly in the e-commerce model and the relationship between the administrative law enforcement and the judicial review are put forward at the end of the study. Activity, closely related to the urgent and difficult problems identified in the practice of law enforcement, serves our country to strengthen the construction of antitrust system, perfect the unified open and competitive market system, scientifically and rationally define the needs of the market and the role of the government, in order to promote the enhancement of the anti-monopoly law enforcement ability of our country and to reduce the law enforcement of the law enforcement agencies. The compliance costs of enterprises and enterprises, protecting competition and improving consumer welfare.
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