本文选题:优先购买权 + 合理限制 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the market economy, the increasing number of transactions and the frequent transfer of equity, the preemptive right of shareholders plays an increasingly important role in commercial transactions. The shareholder's preemption right is one of the shareholders' rights established in the Company Law of our country. It is the concrete embodiment of the civil preemption right in the commercial law. The purpose of the shareholder's right is to maintain the human harmony of the limited liability company and to balance the transfer of the shareholders. The interests of preemptive shareholders and third parties to ensure the smooth development of the economy. China's Company Law leaves a lot of gaps here, resulting in many problems in the actual dispute can not be resolved on the basis of the law, so that shareholders' right of preferential purchase can not be effectively exercised in reality. This requires us to regulate shareholders' preemptive right through other normative documents. The articles of association have the nature of autonomy law, so the articles of association have the effect of autonomy law, and can make special provisions on shareholders' preemptive right without violating the provisions of the Company Law. Under the condition that the current law has insufficient regulation on shareholders' preemption right, it is a more effective and quick way to protect shareholders' rights through special articles of association, but due to the diversity of companies, The quality of the company's articles of association is not uniform, which needs to give some theoretical reference opinions, combined with corporate autonomy to finally work out a reasonable and effective special terms for shareholders' preemptive right. So that the shareholder right can play its due role in practice, so that the rights and interests of the company and shareholders can be effectively protected. This paper is mainly divided into four parts. The first part is the theoretical analysis of the autonomy of the articles of association of the shareholders' preemptive right, and expounds the property and value of the shareholders' preemptive right, and then discusses the nature and effectiveness of the articles of association. This paper clarifies the contractual attribute and binding force of the articles of association, analyzes the relationship between the autonomy of the articles of association and the preemptive right of shareholders, and mainly demonstrates the effect of the articles of association on the protection of the preemptive right of shareholders. In the second part, through the introduction of the experiences of the representative civil law countries and the common law countries about the autonomy legislation of shareholders' preemptive right of purchase, and the comparative law research, It provides reference for perfecting the autonomy of the articles of association of the shareholders' preemptive right in our country. The third part sums up the problems of the autonomy of the articles of association of the shareholders' preemptive right in the judicial practice, mainly for the unreasonable expansion of the scope of application of the shareholder's preemptive right. The limitation limits of the articles of association are vague and the articles of association lack of autonomy in determining the validity of the equity transfer agreement which damages the preemptive right. The fourth part is based on the theoretical analysis above. In order to solve the problem of focus in practice, this paper puts forward some measures to perfect the autonomy of the articles of association of the shareholders' preemptive right of purchase. Clear articles of association on the transfer of equity reasonable restrictions on measures such as standards.
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