本文选题:竞争中立 + 国有企业改革 ; 参考:《贵州师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, the good performance of emerging economies, especially their state-owned enterprises, in international investment and trade has made the United States and Europe and other western developed countries attach importance to it. They believe that the competitive advantage gained by state-owned enterprises with the support of the government not only distorts the allocation of social resources, but also threatens the international economic order of fair competition. Therefore, some developed countries, led by the United States, actively promote competition rules in various international cooperation organizations, trade negotiations and other occasions in order to develop the rules of competition into new international economic rules. The core of the rules in competition is to ensure a level playing field, although there are no formal documents or laws in China that clearly define the concept of competition neutrality. However, the goal of eliminating the unfair competitive advantage that private enterprises do not have due to the support of the government is consistent with the direction of the reform of state-owned enterprises in China. This paper combs the proposition, origin and development of the rules in competition, and probes into the concept of competition neutrality and its legal basis, through the analysis of the current situation of the rules in competition in China and its influence on the state-owned enterprises of our country. Based on the basic conditions of our country and the characteristics of economic development, we can draw lessons from the applicable experience of foreign countries to establish the rules suitable for our country. By perfecting the Antimonopoly Law, it provides legal guarantee for the establishment and implementation of competition neutrality in China.
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